Management of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

Journal of Sports Medicine & Doping Studies

ISSN: 2161-0673

Open Access

Management of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

3rd International Conference on Physical medicine and Rehabilitation & Nursing Research

September 09-10, 2024 | Paris, France

Samia Karkouri1, Leila Benzakour2

1Mohammed V University, Morocco 2PROTEOR MAROC, a subsidiary of the French group PROTEOR

Keynote: J Sports Med Dop Stud

Abstract :

Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is a three-dimensional deformity of the spine that develops during growth. It is called idiopathic because the exact cause is unknown. It accounts for 80% of all scoliosis cases. The prevalence of idiopathic scoliosis in adolescents varies between studies. Globally, it is estimated that approximately 2-3% of the world's population is affected. Usually occurs during the rapid growth period of adolescence, between the ages of 10 and 18 years. Most cases are diagnosed between the ages of 10 and 15. It occurs more often in girls than boys. The prevalence is estimated to be two to four times higher in girls. The exact risk factors for idiopathic scoliosis in adolescents remain poorly understood. However, some evidence suggests that genetic factors may play a role. The circumstances of discovery are often related to external observation by relatives or incidental findings during clinical examination. The clinical picture is accompanied by shoulder girdle asymmetry, thoracic asymmetry, pelvic tilt, and lateral tilt of the spine. Treatment depends on the severity of the curve and remaining bone growth. Treatment options include regular observation, physical therapy, wearing orthopedic braces, and in the most severe cases, surgery. The main goal of treatment is to prevent deterioration, maintain the correct aesthetic appearance and avoid possible complications. The aim of this workshop is to present a general algorithm for the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis in adolescents, based on the recommendations of scientific societies and the experience of the Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Rabat University Hospital.

Biography :

Samia Karkouri is Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation–Faculty of Medicine–Rabat, Morocco. Head of Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, El Ayachi Hospital, Rabat University Hospital General secretary of Moroccan Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine SOMAREF. Leïla Benzakour has built her career in the field of external orthopedics. Since 2010, she has held the position of orthoprosthesis and manager at PROTEOR MAROC, a subsidiary of the French group PROTEOR. Her role includes managing and developing the company, as well as medical consultations with prescribing physicians and patients to design custom external orthopedic devices. Leïla particularly enjoys working in multidisciplinary teams, leveraging her expertise to provide personalized and effective orthopedic solutions to her patients. In addition to her career, she is active in charitable work with the Moroccan Association for the Fight against Myopathies.

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