Nada AlHarbi
King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center, Saudi Arabia
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Gen Practice
Providing a safe healthcare starts with improving the culture of patient safety. KFSH&RC understands this very well, thereofre, has invested in a major project in assessing the hospital staff perception on the culture of patient safety. The 2015-2016 Patient Safety Culture survey utalizing the AHRQ assessment tool was condcuted over a year long period in collaburation with an American consultencay company. The project included bulidng a survey adminstration & analytical portal, this collaburation helped in assuring that the survey was annonamous. For the first time, the hospital had measured its safety culture, climate at the unit level, including clinical and non-clinical areas with a 56% repoonse rate. The Survey results were correlated with Patient Satisfaction surveys and staff satisfaction scores, moreover, the resutls were correlated with units vountary reported events. Additionally, for the first time the results were drilled down to the units level. The results were, then revealed in a 4 hours debriefs session by the consultency agency, the hospital postive reponse to culture of patient safety 12 composites were compare to international results. As a result, Major improvments actions underwent by the hospital excutives and quality divisons. Just culture program, Event Reporting Campaing, a good catch program, redesign of the event reporting software to name few. Almost three months later a pulse check was conducted with additional customised questions by end users, which revealed a slight improvement, however, still the jurney is far from over.
Nada Alharbi has completed her Masters in public helath: healthsystems and Quality Managment from King Saud Bin Abdulaziz university in Affiliation with Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. She is a patient Safety Speculaist at KFSH&RC, Certified Patient Safety officer, Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality and a lean-six sigma certified. She is very Passionate about Patient Safety and advocacy.
Journal of General Practice received 1047 citations as per Google Scholar report