Kornelia Helembai
University of Szeged, Hungary
Keynote: J Nurs Care
Patient conducting consists of the performance of paramedical counselor’ functions aimed the transmission of values and interventions of the offered nursing care where the patient and the nurse work together by highlighting and mobilizing patients’ internal resources. In order to explore the roots and main characteristics of the messages communicated, the method of Dialogue Analysis was used, based on literature review of the best known and accepted theories in this field. The cognitive content of messages ensures the development of patients’ knowledge and skills. The understanding of the sent emotional messages is essential for practicing accurate empathy. Focusing on the verbally identifiable emotional messages, most of the feelings can be sort into four areas of intentionality, as the selfextend, self-dominance, self-closure and self-defense. Utilizing this concept, nurses’ caring modes can be divided into five styles, depending on the communicated emotional and cognitive contents. Cooperative: self-extend; sending and receiving cognitive and emotional messages. Indifferent: self-extend; sending and receiving cognitive content. Restrictive: selfextend; sending and receiving cognitive and emotional messages, paying less attention to patient autonomy. Inertial: self-extend; sending and receiving emotional messages, accompanied by “empty” cognitive contents. Aggressive: sending and receiving cognitive and emotional messages, intention arises from self-dominance or self-defense. Using the research method as a teaching strategy, will help students with the understanding the impact of nursing style’s impact on patient behavior and patient centered care, preventing conflict situation by communicating the respect of human dignity and protecting of autonomy.
Kornélia Helembai, professor emerita. Qualifications & degrees: BSc Nurse in Mother and Child Care; MSc Pedagogical expert; Ph.D. Psychologist (specialized in counseling). Teaching areas: Patient conducting and supervision in BSc nursing education. Leader of nursing Ph.D. dissertations in doctoral schools in Hungary. Member of the Advisory Board of Hungarian Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice. Research interest: Professional aspects of nursing education; communication in nursing; patient conducting, paramedical counseling and supervision in nursing education with special regard to patient conducting process.
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