Jalilova S.A. and Rustamova H
Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nurs Care
Introduction: In recent 5 years increasing of uterine cervix cancer at women of different age categories has been detected. Among risk factors of cancer developing are early beginning of sexual life, large amount of pregnancies, and long-term administration of hormonal contraceptives. Special role in development of precancerous conditions has Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) belonging to A subgroup of Papoviridae family, which infests mucous of uterine cervix and causes inflammation and epithelium dysplasia development. Mild dysplasia (cervical intraepithelial dysplasia I, squamous intraepithelial damage of low degree) ΓΆΒ?Β? moderate epithelium proliferation of basal and parabasal layers. Mild dysplasia disappears after specific antiinflammatory treatment. At moderate dysplasia (cervical intraepithelial dysplasia II) ΓΆΒ?Β? pathologic changes occupy whole inferior half of epithelial layer, at severe dysplasia (cervical intraepithelial dysplasia III, carcinoma in situ) ΓΆΒ?Β? cellular changes occupy whole layer of squamous epithelium and significant cell proliferation of basal and parabasal layers, persisting of hyperchrome cells and disruption of nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio in favor of nucleus enlarging in cells are detected. Materials and methods: Materials were collected at 3rd clinic of TMA (Tashkent Medical Academy) for period of 2014/2015. Biopsies after preliminary cytological examination for Papa Nikolaou tests with high titers of HPV and iodium-negative zone at colposcopy of 150 women were studied. At histological examination 90 cases of dysplasias of different degrees were detected, part of them in combination with endocervicosis, 26 cases of adenomatous polypus, 24 cases ΓΆΒ?Β? stationary (hospital) endocervicosis. Average age of women was from 25 to 55 years old. In contrast to 2014 when frequency of uterine cervix damaging was 143 cases from 410, in 2015 this index increased to 175 cases. Conclusion: Considering the above, it is necessary to increase mandatory Papa Nikolaou tests examiningat gynecological rooms at women with uterine cervix changes and subsequent histological damaging.
Jalilova S.A. has completed her bachelor at the age of 22 years in 2003 from Tashkent Medical Academy. She worked at Tashkent Medical Academy from 2003 to 2007. Master degree studies from Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute from 2007 to 2009. From 2010 until now she is a PHD resident in Tashkent Medical Academy. In July of 2008 she participated in ESCO student conference. In this year in November she participated in “Actual problems of Modern Medicine” congress which holds in Kiev and she was winner of oral presentation award. She was member of a big project in Uzbekistan named of “Organization of Nursing in Uzbekistan”. Now she works as the medical statist at “Population and Reproductive health center of Uzbekistan”. She studied in screening program of cervical cancer master class which holds in Israel (2011). In May of 2012 she had master class on screening program of cervical cancer in Riga. Now she works under her research investigation on topic “Optimization of participation of nurses in determination of cervical diseases”
Email: statya1982@mail.ru
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