Nursing panel and innovative, interdisciplinary, collaborative non-nursing course teaching strategy

Journal of Advanced Practices in Nursing

ISSN: 2573-0347

Open Access

Nursing panel and innovative, interdisciplinary, collaborative non-nursing course teaching strategy

49th Annual Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice Conference

August 20-21, 2018 Tokyo, Japan

Dale M Hilty

Mount Carmel College of Nursing, USA

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Adv Practice Nurs

Abstract :

In four-year baccalaureate programs, nursing students begin actual nursing courses in the second year. Since most beginning nursing students are developing an authentic perception of a nurse, students are highly motivated and enthusiastic about the nursing panel experience. The nursing panel consists of seasoned nursing faculty members and is used to socialize these beginning nursing students into the profession of nursing. Nursing panel experience is a three-step process which lasts 90 minutes. First, the course instructor gives a brief lecture. Second, the nursing panel members introduce themselves and share their nursing background. Third, students ask questions. In the last 5 years approximately 400 students have been participants. This innovative, interdisciplinary teaching approach assists students in developing authentic nursing knowledge and perceptions. Examples of strategies such as nursing faculty on the panel being oriented to the content in the non-nursing class, a caring and respectful educational environment, students come prepared with questions and all faculties engage in the discussions. The outcomes from using this innovative, interdisciplinary, collaborative teaching strategy includes enhanced learning, positive student evaluations, awareness of the role of the nurse, reciprocal connections, student and faculty satisfaction, increased knowledge of the profession of nursing, nurse self-concept images and nursing values (trust, caring, unconditional positive regard). These outcomes were derived from student evaluations and reflection papers. Using nursing narratives helps the beginning nursing student to value the knowledge and content in non-nursing courses. When these students hear the nursing narratives they can begin to imagine how they can use the course content in actual practice settings. Non-nursing professors work collaboratively with nursing professors to use the creative strategy of nursing narratives and guest speakers to elaborate on the role of the nurse. This innovative teaching strategy has universal appeal and could be used with any nursing program.

Biography :

Dale M Hilty is an Associate Professor at the Mt. Carmel College of Nursing. He has received his PhD in Counseling Psychology from the Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University. He has published studies in the areas of psychology, sociology and religion. Between April 2017 and April 2018, his 10 research teams published 55 posters at local, state, regional, national and international nursing conferences.



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