Nursing services certification in Brazilian health organizations

Journal of Advanced Practices in Nursing

ISSN: 2573-0347

Open Access

Nursing services certification in Brazilian health organizations

46th Global Nursing & Healthcare

October 15-16, 2018 | Las Vegas, USA

Ana Carla Parra Labigalini Restituti, Mara Marcia Machado, Rosa Leda Bellini and Marilia Melo Damasceno

Health Service Accreditation, Brazil

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Adv Practice Nurs

Abstract :

Currently, in Brazil, the nursing workforce consists of a group of 541,903 nurses and 1,536,505 technicians and assistants. The most extensive survey on a professional category ever undertaken in Latin America is unprecedented and covers a universe of 2,078,772 professionals. The diversity in the distribution and development of nursing professionals impacts on the safety and quality of care offered to users of different health services and in different regions of the country. The program aims to improve the quality of care and assist the nursing team by defining roles and actions within the organizational structure. The program has a framework to expand as competencies required for the development of high-performance nursing. The competency development program was structured in the form of a trail of mandatory knowledge that nurses will have to go through. The team of nurses will have to fully fulfill the credits for the certification of the service. The project has six phases distributed over 18 months and indicators that evaluate the performance of the institution. The certification includes benefits for the country, such as the increase in national competitiveness provided by the improvement in the quality of health services, following the needs and reality of Brazilian culture. For professionals, certification is the recognition that they are technically qualified, committed to the quality of health services and able to cope with the risks of their activity and the job market. Certification is the provider of validation of the experience, knowledge, and skills of nursing professionals. It supports continuing education and develops the clinical skills that are conducive to job satisfaction among nursing professionals. The certification process seeks to identify nurses as a profession; recognize signs of oppressive group behavior and discuss strategies to strengthen ourselves as individual and interdisciplinary work.

Biography :

Ana Carla Parra Labigalini Restituti, graduated in Nursing from FAMEMA-Medical School of Marília/MBA in Health Management from Faculdade Getúlio Vargas/Acting for 8 years at IQG Health Services Accreditation as a leading evaluator of Health Services Accreditation/Professional Evaluation Experience and Consultant in Health Services Methodology ONA and ACI-Qmentum/HSO/Team Development Specialist/Advisory on Corporate Governance, Compliance, Clinical Governance, Process Management, Desing Thinking, and knowledge and use of 6D and A3 tools. Experience in implementation of Organizational Strategies Planning, Implementation of Patient Quality and Safety Policy.



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