Enoch Akinbiyi Akinpelu, Seteno Karabo Obed Ntwampe, Lukhanyo Mekuto, Elie Fereche Itomba Tombo
Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Bioproces Biotechniq
The use of cyanide in mineral industry is vast despite its toxicity due to its strong affinity for metals, thus the release of free cyanide into the environment via partial treatment of wastewater. However, the sustainability of any process does not only depend on the turnover time but also on the management of waste generated. As a result, a discharge limit was set for free cyanide in wastewater by different jurisdictions in order to protect the environment. This work reports the use of a cyanide resistant fungus Fusarium oxysporum in free cyanide remediation of wastewater, its preference for beetroot agro-waste, and its optimization using statistical modeling of response surface methodology (RSM). Higher growth rate of Fusarium oxysporum was observed on beetroot waste (OD = 3.430) compared with glucose substrate (OD = 1.953). The highest free cyanide biodegraded was 180.9 mg CN-/L from initial 300 mg CN-/L after 72 h at 25�°C, pH of 12.70, and substrate concentration of 300 mg/L. The ANOVA of the quadratic model indicated the model is highly significant at 99.98% level. The response from the central composite design (CCD) shows that temperature and substrate concentration are the most significant factors affecting the free cyanide biodegradation. The fungus growth on cheap agrowaste would ensure economic sustainability of free cyanide biodegradation in environmental applications.
Email: biyipelu@gmail.com
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