Snezana Rakic
Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic Narodni Front, Serbia
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Cancer Sci Ther
The aim of our study was to investigate the incidence of ovarian malignant neoplasms in pregnancy. In the prospective study, during a 2-year period of time, we had the ethical dilemma concerning the conciliar treatment vs. the patient�s wish to deliver and save the reproductive capabilities. We examined 37 pregnant women; the incidence of ovarian cancer was 13.5% vs. 6.5% in other works. Diagnoses were made by ultrasound criteria and physical examinations. Statistically significant results were obtained by student t-test. Mean gestational age was 20.1 weeks and mean age 31.1 years. Treatment depends on the neoplasms type, grade and presence of the metastatic pathways. In benign neoplasms, we used laparoscopic treatment with minor invasion. Distribution of benign neoplasms was in the same range as that in other works. In our prospective study, we found the higher incidence of ovarian malignancy in pregnancy which is 13.5%, P<0.05. Ultrasonographic criteria are essential for the diagnosis of ovarian neoplasms. The size, morphology and range of RI indices of the ovarian neoplasms in the second trimester are essential criteria for further treatment. The incidence of benign neoplasms in pregnancy is equal to that observed in other works. For the benign ovarian neoplasms, the method of choice for further treatment could be laparoscopy. The main decision is the termination of pregnancy due to conciliar treatment or the patient�s wish to save the reproductive capabilities in such cases.
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