Geeta Verma
Chandra Shehkar Azad Govt Post Graduate Nodal College, India
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Chem Sci J
Green Chemistry is an approach to the synthesis, processing and use of chemicals that reduces risks to humans and the environment. A synthesis of benzopinacol from benzophenone is carried out using ethanol as a solvent. This ia a free radical reaction and reduction of benzophenone occurred by sunlight via UV radiation. Benzopinacol is a catalyst of the formation of unsaturated polyesters. It is also used as an organic synthesis intermediate and as an initiator of polymerization by free radicals . Characterization of Benzopinacol was done by using spectroscopic technique like IR,NMR etc. Results positively show that solvent ethyl alcohol can be used as an alternative for photoreduction of benzphenone in case of non availability of isopropyl alcohol.
Geeta Verma had completed her Ph.D at the age of 26 years from Central drug Research Institute Lucknow and Awadh University, Faizabad.. She has published 16 research papers including interdisciplinary topics in reputed International Journals. Awarded patent during CDRI research work 2003, Best Professor of the year 2015 from M.P. Employees Jankalyan Sangh. ,UGC Sponsored Research Project work done by her published and selected as Best paper award by International Academy of Science and Technology 2015 and Excellence in Service on Independence day 2016. She has won the Indus Foundation awards for Teaching Excellence 2016. Her suggestions for family problems were selected as a winners in Daily Newspaper.
Chemical Sciences Journal received 912 citations as per Google Scholar report