Shu-Fen Lee
Cardinal Tien College of Healthcare & Management, Taiwan
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Cancer Sci Ther
Objective: Personality traits are important predictor of health behavior, correlated to patients compliance that effected to glycemic control. The aim of the present project was to explore the relationship between personality traits, and glycemic control in type two diabetes patients. Methods: The measurements used were Chinese version Big-5 personality traits scale. 214 type two diabetes patients were middle aged to elderly, were recruited from the teaching hospital in North of Taiwan. Result: Glucose values were associated with factor of age, diabetes duration (years), self-rated health status, level of fasting glucose and triglycemic and domain of personality traits. In analytic of poor glycemic control as HbA1C� show significant results related to: In additional year can increase 1.199 times; self-rated health status as poor had 40.44 times; increase in 10 mg/dl of fasting blood glucose increases 59%, and 39% of triglyceric and; neuroticism was a significant predictor (B=2.017) had 7.52 times resulting hyperglycemia. Conclusion: Personality traits can offer new insights into variation of glycemic control among diabetes regimens. Negative affectivity as a facet of neuroticism is correlated to hyperglycemia. Thus, determining personality traits is an important cornerstone of education plan for clinical staffs and may have effectiveness in resulting the level of glucose, in addition to improve the quality of nursing care.
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