Problems of patients aged 55 plus after a suicide attempt in the context of compliance and adherence

Journal of Advanced Practices in Nursing

ISSN: 2573-0347

Open Access

Problems of patients aged 55 plus after a suicide attempt in the context of compliance and adherence

Annual Nursing Congress: The Art of Care

October 13-14, 2022 | Webinar

GÅ?owacka Mariola

The Masovian Academy in PÅ?ock, Poland

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Adv Practice Nurs

Abstract :

Suicide is today one of the frequent and complex social problems, which have their origin in a great variety of factors. Therefore, in the theoretical part of this paper the essence of suicide and the process of hospitalization of patients after a suicide attempt were presented, as well as the methodological assumptions that were adopted for our own research. In its research part, on the other hand, the results of own research are presented and discussed. After the discussion, recommendations for the medical personnel working with a patient after a suicide attempt and for the patient who intends to make such an attempt have been presented. The paper concludes with conclusions. For own research the method of diagnostic survey was used. The research technique used was a survey, while the research tool was a questionnaire survey and standardized scales Hamilton and Beck . The study included 100 patients after a suicide attempt who were hospitalized in the Psychiatric Ward of the Hospital of the Holy Trinity in PÅ?ock The research was conducted in cooperation with the nurse Sylwia Banach working in this hospital ward.. The results obtained from our own research allow us to conclude that the examined persons had an adequate level of knowledge about behaviors indicating the possibility of committing suicide, but they considered the Polish system of support in this area to be ineffective, which also makes them unwilling or ashamed to ask for help in crisis situations. It is therefore important to educate hospitalized patients in this regard.

Biography :

Mariola GÅ?owacka, RN, PhD, Associate Professor; Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences The Masovian Academy in PÅ?ock, nurse-specialist of geriatric nursing, academic teacher. She is a long-term expert of the Ministry of Health in the field of various solutions related to the work of nurses and midwives. She is also a member of the Supreme Council of Nurses and Midwives.

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