Radiologic Features of Diabetic Striatopathy in a Patient Presenting with Seizures and Stroke-Like Symptoms

Journal of Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery

ISSN: 2684-6012

Open Access

Radiologic Features of Diabetic Striatopathy in a Patient Presenting with Seizures and Stroke-Like Symptoms

34th Conference on Clinical Neuroscience and Neurogenetics

February 24, 2023 | Webinar

Romario M. Ramos , Dr. Ma. Estrella G. Marasigan, Dr. Uzziel R. De Mesa, Dr. Alfonso B. Barrientos

Medical Mission Group Hospital and Health Services Cooperative of Oriental Mindoro (MMGHMCOM), Philippines
Jr. Institution: Medical Mission Group Hospital and Health Services Cooperative of Oriental Mindoro (MMGHMCOM), Philippines

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Clinical Neurology & Neurosurgery

Abstract :

A diagnositic and a therapeutic dilemma arise when radiologic findings point to several medical conditions each with a different approach to management. We present a 61-year-old male admitted due to decreased sensorium, hyperglycemia, seizures and rightsided hemiparesis. A computed axial tomography (CT) scan of the brain showed a hyperdense focus in the left caudate and lentiform nucleus suggestive of diabetic striatopathy (DS). The patient was mananged as a case of acute ischemic stroke and was given an antithrombotic drug among other medications due to the radiologic features that point more toward DS, in spite the absence of hemiballismus-hemichorea typical in this disorder, rather than as a hemorrhagic stroke. The patient’s symptoms improved including his blood sugar levels. A repeat cranial CT scan done after 3 days showed an interval decrease in the density of the lesion. DS is considered uncommon and the absence of hyperkinetic movements typical of DS as seen in this patient makes it challenging to the physician in terms of treatment especially in the acute setting. Recognizing the possibility of a purely radiologic DS diagnosis as well as the association of DS with other comorbidities such as stroke and seizures are future directions we can take to fully understand this rare condition.

Biography :

Dr. Romario M. Ramos is a neurologist and psychiatrist. He graduated with a degree in Bachelor of Science in Psychology (Cum Laude) and in Medicine from the University of Santo Tomas (UST). He completed his residency training in Neurology and Psychiatry from the UST Hospital Department of Neurology and Psychiatry. He is Head of Section of Neurology at the MMGHMCOM, a member of the Oriental Mindoro Medical Society, a fellow of the Philippine Neurological Association (PNA), Cluster Head of Mindoro PNA Southern Luzon Chapter and a member of PNA Advocacy Committee. His research interests include stroke, digital and mental health.

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