Hwey-Fang Liang, Chang-Chiao Hung and Kuang-Ming Wu
PhD, RN, Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Chia-Yi Campus, Taiwan
PhD, RN, Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Chia-Yi Campus, Taiwan
EdD, Assistant Professor, College of Education, Department of Early Childhood Education, National Chiayi University, Taiwan
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nurs Care
Background: Nursing students often encounter enormous stress during clinical practices. The stress that exists among student nurses in clinical practices has been greatly noticed recently because it significantly affects the career of nursing staff. Resilience is of the essential components that equip student nurses to confront challenges in the future. Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore and reflect upon a theory-based interventions designed to promote student nurses� resilience abilities in Taiwan. Design and Methods: A participatory action research (PAR) and in-depth interviews were adopted for this study. There were eighteen student nurses participated, and three workshops of the resilience enhancement project were acted. Findings: A series of PAR based workshops were processed, and designed to engage students as resources to strengthen resilience during clinical practice. Participants received positive outcomes including: (a) empowering professional nursing knowledge and skills, (b) facilitating sensitivity of self-reflections, (c) providing competent supports, and (d) constructing emotional resilience. Conclusions: The results present that PAR could effectively empower student nurses to promote abilities including professional knowledge and skills and psychological supports. Participants� insights added to a deeper understanding of personal resilience and highlight future initiatives to enhance student nurses� abilities to promote care qualities and coping challenges. It also helped to encourage them to engage themselves in self-reflections during clinical practices. Clinical Relevance: The findings can be a reference for nursing education to design resilience enhancement program for student nurses in clinical practices to increase their nursing profession and psychological supports.
Hwey-Fang Liang came from Taiwan. She completed her Ph.D. in the School of Nursing of Duquesne University, PA, USA. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Nursing in Chang Gung University of Science and Technology in Taiwan. She has published more than 40 papers in reputed journals with English and Chinese and still concentrate herself in nursing research.
Journal of Nursing & Care received 4230 citations as per Google Scholar report