Gayatri Devi V, Anil Kumar Badana, Nagaseshu Pudi and Rama Rao Malla
Posters: J Cancer Sci Ther
Solid tumor contains highly malignant subpopulation of cells with stem cell properties like self-renewal, tumorigenecity and differentiation. Recent reports have suggested that epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) induction enhances selfrejuvenation and acquires stem cell properties. EMT is an orchestrated event characterized by switching of marker from nonmotile epithelial to invasive mesenchymal cells. The major changes during EMT include loss of E-cadherin, Rho dependent changes in cell shape and secretion of proteases. The transcriptional reprogramming of epithelial tumor cells leads to loss of cell polarity and down regulation of cell-junction proteins. Recent study of targeting the 3' UTRs of EMT related mesenchymal genes by miRNA showed the suppression of snai2, VIM and CD151 expression. The multimeric complex of tetraspanin, CD151 with E-cadherins, integrins recruits proteinkinase C-β-II, transmembrane proteinkinase phosphatise (PTPμ) and promotes the association of cytoskeletal elements and supports cadherin mediated cell-cell adhesions. CD151 is a key mediator of cell-cell adhesion, EMT induction and tumor progression. CD151 play an important role in filopodia based adhesion zipper formation on one hand and cancer metastasis on other hand. The design and development of innovative shRNA therapeutic targeting CD151 may helpful in reducing EMT mediated CSC population in solid tumors.
Gayatri Devi V has completed her Post graduation in Biochemistry from GITAM University. She is currently working as a Junior Research Fellow in Department of Science & Technology (DST) funded project in the Dept. of Biochemistry, GITAM University, and Visakhapatnam under the guidance of Dr. Rama Rao Malla.
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