Search the world like you search the web (computer vision and object detection)

Journal of Computer Science & Systems Biology

ISSN: 0974-7230

Open Access

Search the world like you search the web (computer vision and object detection)

Joint Event on 5th World Machine Learning and Deep Learning Congress and World Congress on Computer Science, Machine Learning and Big Data

August 30-31, 2018 Dubai, UAE

Mourad Touzani

Microsoft, UAE

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Comput Sci Syst Biol

Abstract :

The world is getting smarter, imagine you can search your physical world same way you search the web, With the advances of artifi cal intelligence and cameras we currently have, people can look for objects, people the same way we search the internet. From a factories to hospitals the technlogy can provide a great help into tune the life we have and make us do things more effi ceint, object detection is tightly coupled with object tracker and not just identifying objects but also tracking them, during this talk we will discuss the diff erent algorithms and market trends in both object detection and object tracker and some real life examples to apply the technology into business solutions. Th is talk discusses the diff erent algorisms and techniques that can help both developers and data scientist understand the best fi t for each in building business solutions. Algorithms include YOLO, Tensorfl ow Object Detection, MobileNet, Mask R CNN, BOOSTING Tracker, MIL Tracker, KCF Tracker (Kernelized Correlation Filters) and CRSY Tracker. With the help of Microsoft Azure Congnitive Services can help developers with a limited machine learning and artifi cal intelligence knowledge build a cutting edge solutions that cover lots of the usecases in the business with a minimal amount of coding and reach an outstanding solutions.

Biography :



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Citations: 2279

Journal of Computer Science & Systems Biology received 2279 citations as per Google Scholar report

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