SunQM-1: Quantum mechanics of the Solar system in a {N,n//6} QM structure

Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology

ISSN: 2329-6542

Open Access

SunQM-1: Quantum mechanics of the Solar system in a {N,n//6} QM structure

International Conference on Planetary Science and Particle Physics

August 27-28, 2018 | Boston, USA

Yi Cao


Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Astrophys Aerospace Technol

Abstract :

Finally, I find a way to extend Bohr's atom model (which was inspired by the Solar system structure) to our Solar system structure. In this paper, I present that how I decoded the quantum mechanics for our Solar system by introducing a {N,n//6} QM structure model. In the newly established Solar QM {N,n} structure, Sun core has a size of {0,1}, Sun surface has a size of {0,2}, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are at {1,n=3..6}o orbits. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Kuiper belt are at {2,n=2..6}o orbits. Oort cloud is at {4,n=1..5}o orbits. There are four undiscovered planets/belts at orbits of {3,n=2..5}o. More interestingly, white dwarf, neutron star, and black hole are assigned to {-1,1}, {-3,2} and {-3,1} in the same model. From these results, I constructed a Solar QM {N,n} structure periodic table (similar to the chemical elementâ??s periodic table). A Solar QM {N,n} structure periodic plot is also presented here which shows some more detailed (and visualized) information.

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