Syndrome of contractures and deformities in newborn and babies and succeeded problems in adolescent and adults, diagnosis, treatment

Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation

ISSN: 2573-0312

Open Access

Syndrome of contractures and deformities in newborn and babies and succeeded problems in adolescent and adults, diagnosis, treatment

6th International Conference & Exhibition on Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation

August 13-14, 2018 | London, UK

Tomasz Karski

Vincent Pol University, Lublin, Poland

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Physiother Rehabil

Abstract :

Introduction: According to the author??s experience deformities of the movement apparatus are caused by asymmetrical shortenings of the soft tissues ?? tendons, fascias, capsules but not because of ??weak muscles?. These shortenings had described Prof. Hans Mau (Germany ?? Tübingen) as ??Seven Contracture Syndrome? (sofc). In Lublin to sofc we add (2006) bigger than normal varus deformity in shanks and we called this syndrome ?? Syndrome of Contractures and Deformities (sofcd) Clinical symptoms of the ??Syndrome of Contractures? (sofc) according to Prof. Hans Mau: 1. Scull deformity / Plagiocephaly/, 2. Torticollis muscularis (wry neck), 3. Infantile scoliosis ?? other than idiopathic scoliosis (T. Karski), 4. Contracture (shortening) of adductor muscles of the left hip, 5. Contracture (shortening) of abductor muscles and soft tissues of the right hip (according to T. Karski), described by Prof. Mau as Haltungsschwäche (German), what in English is: ??weak posture?, 6. Pelvic bone oblique position, 7. Feet deformities, 8. In Lublin (2006) to the list of in sofc were add, as mentioned above, the deformities in shanks in newborn. This excessive shank deformity (crura vara) can lead under special circumstances to Blount disease [publications: T. Karski, J. Karski - 2006, Orthopädische Praxis, American Research Journal of Medicine and Surgery - 2016]. Material: In the years 2009 ?? 2016 authors examined 818 newborns and babies with signs of ??Syndrome of Contractures and Deformities?. The control group was 212 children presented by parents for examination, showed no signs of sofcd. In the lecture we present cases of sofcd and its influence on: (1) Hip dysplasia (DDH), (2) Blount disease, (3) Wry neck (torticollis), and (4) So-called idiopathic scoliosis. Hips. The dysplasia of the hips can be connected with 1/ Syndrome of Contractures and Deformities (sofcd), with 2/ laxity of joints and with 3/ sub-spasticity in cases with Minimal Brain Dysfunctions (MBD). Neck Wry neck is a very common deformity (6% to 8 % in Polish population) in newborns and babies. There are three forms of such deformity: 1/ connected with sofcd, 2/ after post-traumatic delivery, 3/ congenital wry neck with tumour neonatorumThe proper treatment consists on permanent ??rotation stretching? to the direction of the torticollis side [!]. Publications - T. Karski, J. Karski ?? in Orthopädische Praxis, Germany ?? 1991 and in American Research Journal of Medicine and Surgery, USA ?? 2016.ShankThe varus deformity of the shank. In the lecture authors present very easy and successfully method of treatment of Blount disease ?? it consist on ??no loading? ?? ??no standing? and ??no walking? of the child for 2 ?? 3 months, plus supply of vitamin D3. The age of children for such treatment is from 1 to 2.5 years. Spine ?? scoliosis. The etiology of idiopathic scoliosis was secret over two thousand years. The biomechanical etiology of scoliosis has been found and described in years 1995 - 2007 (T. Karski). Conclusions1/ every pediatric doctor, orthopedic surgeon and every physiotherapist should be familiarized with the knowledge about the ??Syndrome of Contractures and Deformities? (sofcd). 2/ all newborns and babies with sofcd should undergo an early treatment. Older children with ??residual changes of sofcd? should be treated in sense ??of effective prophylaxis of movement insufficiency of knees, hips and spine in adults?. 3/ In our Department we never advised / recommended the strengthening exercises, but only stretching exercises in order to eliminate the contracted (shortened) tissues in the region of joints. Similar exercises we recommended in therapy of so-called idiopathic scoliosis.

Biography :

Tomasz Karski studied at Medical University in Lublin and received medical doctor certificate in 1961. During the studies he was active for three years in Students Scientific Orthopaedic Association and later after graduation he was the Assistant Teacher for young student generation. In 1967 and next in 1971 he passed specializations degrees - first and second degree in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology of movement apparatus. In 1972 he received the doctor degree and in 1982 after habilitation (colloquium before Medical University Council) he passed consecutive degrees to receive phd degree and later became Assistant Professor. In 1993 he was awarded by full professor degree and title by President of Poland. Since 1st October 1995 to 2009 he was the Head of Chair and Department of Paediatric Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation of Medical University in Lublin/Poland, in the biggest Paediatric Hospital in Eastern Poland Region.



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