Cristine Keller Cota
Physical Therapy and Acupuncture, Brazil
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Altern Integr Med
Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) is a chronic painful condition usually caused by the focal compression of the trigeminal nerve, characterized by attacks of intensive pain on the face. In many cases, conventional treatments (medication or surgery) do not provide an effective pain relief, some patients seek acupuncture to report the immediate result of acupuncture associated with carboxytherapy (a technique where carbon dioxide is injected into the subcutaneous tissue to improve circulation and oxygenation, usually for aesthetic purposes) patient, female, 38 years old, diagnosed with TN for three months, treated without success with carbamazepine 200 mg/day, complained of excruciating pain in the maxillary region and with palpation sensitivity, especially at the E6 acupuncture point (JIACHE), in the right side. According to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), after the diagnosis the treatment started with points IG4, F3 and YinTang where the needles were inserted and retained for 20 minutes and CO2 was injected locally at point E6 on the right side for 10 seconds, with a flow of 60 mg. The intensity of the pain was assessed using a numerical rating scales (NRS), where the patient classify his pain according to the intensity of the sensation, ranging from zero (no pain) to 10 (the worst possible pain). Prior to treatment, the patient reported NRS pain 10. However, 12 hours after treatment EVN pain was zero. Acupuncture associated with carboxytherapy was shown to be effective in relieving immediate TN pain..
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