Ercan Arca
Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Turkey
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Cancer Sci Ther
Cutaneous melanoma is one of the tumors whose incidence and mortality have risen more rapidly during the last decades worldwide and accounts for 5% of all skin cancers but 65% of all skin cancer deaths. Early diagnosis is the most effective intervention for improving the prognosis of patients with primary melanomas. Dermoscopy is a non-invasive, in-vivo technique that can be used for the diagnosis of pigmented and non-pigmented skin lesions and enhances the clinical diagnosis of melanoma by 10-30%. Melanomas may reveal a wide variable dermoscopic features depend on histopathological subtype, anatomic location, tumor thickness and possibly the specific mutations. Melanomas on non-glabrous skin manifest at least one of the ten-melanoma-specific structures: atypical network, negative network, streaks, crystalis, atypical dots/globules, irregular blotch, blue-white veil, regression, atypical vessels, and peripheral structureless-areas. Melanomas on face and sun-damaged skin reveal annular-granular pattern, asymmetric perifollicular openings, polygonal structures, rhomboidal structures, follicle obliteration, circle-within-a-circle. Acral melanomas manifest parallel-ridge pattern and irregular diffuse pigmentation. Nail melanomas reveal irregular bands with distruption of parallelism, micro-Hutchinson sign and triangular shape. Mucosal, amelanotic and metastatic melanomas also manifest different dermoscopic features. In this presentation, a summary of the dermoscopic features of different cutaneous melanomas and also the value of dermoscopy for digital follow-up and management of melanomas and the value of dermoscopic follow-up cutaneous sideeffects of targeted-biologic agents for the advanced and metastatic melanomas will be discussed.
Ercan Arca was graduated from Gulhane Medical Academy, Faculty of Medicine in 1990. He completed his residency period in the same faculty at Department of Dermatology. He has been working in GMMA, Department of Dermatology since 2000. He is currently a Professor practicing in the same department. His other interested subspecialties are psoriasis, biologic agents, pediatric dermatology, cutaneous surgery, laser and cosmetic surgery such as chemical peelings, laser epilation, botox, fillers, facial rejuvenation, dermoscopy, dermatopathology, cutaneous lymphoma. He has published more than 100 papers in reputed journals and also presented about 200 oral and poster presentations in both national and international congresses.
Cancer Science & Therapy received 5332 citations as per Google Scholar report