The Impact of Pharmacists Engaged in Collaborative Practice Agreements in the United States

Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences

ISSN: 2952-8100

Open Access

The Impact of Pharmacists Engaged in Collaborative Practice Agreements in the United States

15th International Conference on Pharmaceutical Education and Practice

August 10-11, 2023 | Webinar

Theopeste Kerelos

Brevard Health Alliance Inc., USA

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Biomed Pharm Sci

Abstract :

Purpose: To evaluate the role and impact of pharmacist in collaborative practice agreements (CPAs). Methods: An electronic literature review was conducted on studies that addressed pharmacists’ involvement in CPAs. Articles included in the review were peer reviewed studies conducted on adults and published between 2017 and 2022. Articles investigating children were excluded from the review. Results: Of the articles identified, 8 studies met the eligibility criteria and were selected for the literature review. All of the studies were published between 2017 and 2022 in English in the United States. CPAs were already in place in seven of the eight studies, with variances in CPA protocols due to differences in healthcare settings and patient populations. The studies evaluated the effect of pharmacist engagement in CPAs on the attainment of clinical and financial goals, as well as provider satisfaction with pharmacist involvement and existing barriers to pharmacist engagement in CPAs. Findings showed that pharmacist engagement in CPAs had a positive impact on the attainment of the desired clinical and financial goals and that providers were satisfied with pharmacist involvement. A common barrier to pharmacist involvement was lack of reimbursement for services. Conclusion: Pharmacists engaged in CPAs have a positive impact on the healthcare system, and there are still opportunities for expansion of pharmacists’ roles in CPAs, particularly in non-traditional settings. Key words: collaborative practice agreement and pharmacists or pharmacist Disclosure: This literature review has been published in the Journal of Pharmacy Practice. Funding: The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

Biography :

Dr. Theopeste Kerelos is a Pharm.D. from Florida, USA. She earned her Bachelors of Science in Health Science from the University of Central Florida in 2017 and her Doctor of Pharmacy from Nova Southeastern University in May 2023. Dr. Kerelos conducted her research on collaborative practice agreements in the USA during her last year as a student at Nova Southeastern University. She wrote and published a manuscript, accompanied by a poster which she is presenting today. Dr. Kerelos has also been involved in other areas of research, such as the role of pharmacists in telehealth during transitions of care. Her other interests include medication therapy management, hospital pharmacy, and managed care pharmacy.

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