The Importance of the Balance Regulation by the and#34;COR-WAYand#34; Thesis-Praxis at the and#34;Heart-Brain-Axisand#34; - in the Physiotherapy

Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation

ISSN: 2573-0312

Open Access

The Importance of the Balance Regulation by the "COR-WAY" Thesis-Praxis at the "Heart-Brain-Axis" - in the Physiotherapy

7th World Congress on Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation

June 26-27, 2022 | Webinar

Renata Molnar

NHS Foundation Trust London, UK

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Physiother Rehabil

Abstract :

The heart has a neuro-organ, means His Own Brain, excluding the Conductive System! Ca. 40000cells. By that, it is a Heart- Brain-Communicative -Axis-Coherence, which needs a balance between the two. We can find these intuitive at the Greek Culture, such as „Kalos Kagatos”. In healthy body, a healthy Soul! They communicate by a low frequency Gamma Vawes /0,1 Hz/ harmonising the two organs into a so-called „Gamma State”. Methods: The unique. powerful „COR-WAY” Method, based on that Coherence – by motivation awake or optimise at first the balance of the individuums walking movement, verbal and by a supporting tool, - as Mozes and Asclepius already had this supporting Staffs,- which tools in a „Crossing Form” later helps to find the optimal rythm or frequency/energy/ for the Soul as well First Step: To open and point on the critical actuel disturbing points of the Axis Balance in life of the clients and in the Curriculum. Second Step: Find the exact Direction for Solutions of the Heart-Brain-Axis Coherence. Third Step: The COR-WAY Method”- has 8 definitive different supporting points to follow step by step – movement, meditation, cognitiv and decision trainings, time managements, connection training and also a feeding program. It is a holistical art, Nature Based treatment! Result and Conclusion: The COR-WAY Method” had till today over 7000 clients /mostly females/ in 57 different geographical places. The success or satisfaction rate by questionaire tests was over 95 %.

Biography :

ErnÅ? Remsey-Semme M.D., Royal Brompton-Hare field Hosp. NHS Foundation Trust. London, UK has completed his Research in the NHS Foundation Trust In the London city, United kingdom. He is the director of Research in COR-WAY” Thesis-Praxis at the ”Heart-Brain-Axis. He has published more than 15 papers in reputed journals. . The success or satisfaction rate by questionaire tests was over 95 %.

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