Ziba Farajzadegan
Isfahan Medical Sciences University, Iran
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Cancer Sci Ther
Background: Women with a family history of breast cancer have a higher risk for breast cancer compared to women without it, but rate of CBE is low in this at risk group. Aim: The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the intention to CBE as related to transtheoretical model of behavior change by demographic factors and health belief construct subscales among Iranian women with a family history of breast cancer. Method: A descriptive, cross-sectional study with convenience sampling was used to 162 recruit participants and questionnaire was filled for each of them at Saied-al-Shohada Hospital in Isfahan city. Result: Only 34% of participants were in action/maintenance stages. Compared to women in contemplation and precontemplation/ relapse stages, women in action/maintenance stages had significantly lower level of barriers (p<0.001), were older (p<0.001), had a Breast Self-Exam (BSE) (p=0.001), had a breast disease history (p=0.031), a health insurance (p=0.043) and a family history of breast cancer in first relatives (p<0.001). Conclusion: This study show behavior barriers influence CBE behavior stages of change among Iranian women with a family history of breast cancer and we need to promote targeting interventions focusing on CBE barriers for this at risk group.
Ziba farajzadegan has completed specialty in Community and preventive Medicine in 2000 from Isfahan Medical sciences University .She is working as a professor of preventive medicine in women health issues, focusing on breast cancer supportive cares, She has published more than 200 papers in different local and international journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of some related journals.
Email: farajzadegan@med.mui.ac.ir
Cancer Science & Therapy received 5332 citations as per Google Scholar report