The universal human being: Evolution of the physical body by Cosmic influences

Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology

ISSN: 2329-6542

Open Access

The universal human being: Evolution of the physical body by Cosmic influences

International Conference on Astronomy, Astrophysics and Astrobiology

May 30-31, 2018 Osaka, Japan

Sangeeta Sahi

Integrative Medical Doctor and Anti-aging Consultant, USA

Keynote: J Astrophys Aerospace Technol

Abstract :

The Ascension technique is about moving the alertness from one reality to another and the awareness of possible multiple realities existing simultaneously. Everything we are experiencing of a physical nature is ascension related. â�?�?Itâ�?�?s important to trust in this process and our soulâ�?�?s ability to rebalance the body.â�? The body reciprocate to our alertness, so the more we provoke our soul into our body, and the more we confess the joy that is our natural birthright, the body benefits. It may seem like a conflict, because the more we love ourselves and allow the Christ light into our lives, at least initially, the more things seem to break down. Again, itâ�?�?s a necessary process and nothing we have done wrong. Some of you may feel terrific throughout this process, others may feel downright exhausted and even very ill. The potent cosmic energies continue to bombard Earth and all of humanity is feeling it! All of humanity is feeling this quickening, this disorientation, although many have no idea what is going on and are concerned for their well-being. These are not necessarily signs of physical illness. They are what are known as "ascension symptoms". When we are unaware, unawakened and completely out of tune with this energy, we may short circuit, act out and even "snap" under the intensity of the energy. Just look at the world around you. The ancients and indigenous peoples of the Earth all understood and even prophesied this potential for humanity: the Mayans, the Aborigines, the Hopi, and many, many others. It seems they understood these large galactic cycles and knew that Earth would be traversing through this energy at just this time.So keep the faith Soul Tribe!

Biography :

Sangeeta Sahi is an Integrative Medical Doctor and Anti-aging Consultant, who graduated from the Christian Medical College in India, and Whipps Cross Hospital, London, UK. In addition, she received a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from ESSEC in Paris, France. Dr. Sahi is a pioneering medical physician who combines her formal medical training with a host of dynamic complementary and alternative therapies in her practice of Integrative Medicine. She has created a specific program for individuals experiencing Cancer and autoimmune diseases using her particular integrated approach. This program is called Conscious Cancer®. Integrative Medicine reaffirms the importance of the relationship between the practitioner and patient, and emphasizes wellness and healing of the whole person. The physical, mental, social, spiritual, environmental, and other states of being are considered as primary goals. Conventional and Complementary Alternative Medical approaches are used to deliver the most comprehensive patient care. Sahi uses conventional and complementary alternative medical approaches to deliver the most appropriate and integral patient care. Individuals are made responsible and involved in their own health. During her medical training, Dr Sangeeta Sahi was most interested in spontaneous and scientifically unexplainable “miraculous” physical healings, which she observed happening to some of her patients. This inspired and led her to study and research alternative and complementary medicine with the highest Spiritual Masters from the Himalayas, the Americas, and across Europe. These modalities include Ayurveda, Massage therapy, Kundalini Yoga and Tradition

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