Bahar ASLAN, Serdar SARITAS and Hacire Devran ECER
Inonu Un�±vers�±ty, Turkey
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nurs Care
Object�±ve: The aim of this research is to determine the knowledge and opinions of the oncology nurses on complementary medical practices in cancer treatment. Mater�±als And Methods: The study was carried out at the oncology clinics of 2 University and 2 State Hospitals in Turkey. The universe of the research was composed of nurses working in medical oncology, pediatric oncology, radiation oncology, oncology intensive care clinics and chemotherapy units in these hospitals. The study sample consisted of 60 nurses who were in the clinic on March-April 2015 the research was conducted, who agreed to fill out the questionnaire from 92 oncology nurses working at the specified clinics / units and no sampling method was used in the selection of the sample. Survey form prepared by researchers was used as data collection tool. Results: 58.3% of the nurses participating in the study reported that they had no information about complementary medical applications, 70% reported that nursing education should be given for complementary medical applications, and 65% reported that complementary medical applications were used in cancer treatment. Besides, 55% stated that complementary medicine applications were useful in cancer treatment and 63.3% stated that they would benefit from complementary medicine applications if they were diagnosed with cancer. 46.7% of the nurses participating in the study stated that they could use acupuncture as complementary medicine, 78.3% as massage, 75% as music therapy, 53.3% as meditation and 58.3 as herbal therapy in cancer patients. Conclus�±on: As a result of the research, it has been reported that complementary medical applications of nurses working in oncology clinics are useful in cancer treatment and training of oncology nurses on complementary medical applications is thought to be beneficial.
I am Bahar ASLAN. I am from Turkey. I was born in 1990. I graduated from �°nonu University Faculty of Health Sciences in 2014. I am a research assistant in Inonu University since 2016. Recently, I have conducted my master thesis in Surgical Diseases Nursing Department.
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