To snip or not to snip: Dilemma in the management of tongue tie

Journal of Advanced Practices in Nursing

ISSN: 2573-0347

Open Access

To snip or not to snip: Dilemma in the management of tongue tie

38th Asia-Pacific Nursing and Medicare Summit


Jean Du Plessis

Fiona Stanley Hospital, Australia

Keynote: Adv Practice Nurs

Abstract :

Tongue Tie (TT) diagnosis has increased almost 500% in the last decade. It is known to cause difficulty with breast feeding, articulation and even social issues in older children because of the mechanical restriction of tongue movement. There are different tools of assessment and the definitive treatment is frenectomy and in some cases frenuloplasty. There is a difference of opinion between health professionals about the management of TT and controversy exists whether TT is as much of an issue as proposed by some authors. Guidelines from various countries shows marked variation and there are varying trends in the management approach globally. A paucity of good quality evidence about TT management exists and there is lack of research on lip tie and posterior TT. Large RCTs with objective outcomes are required.

Biography :

Jean Du Plessis is the Head of Service of Neonatology at Fiona Stanley Hospital, Perth, Western Australia. He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at University of Notre Dame, Fremantle. In addition to long standing clinical career, he also possesses excellent administrative and diplomatic skills and has track record of successful delivery of high quality patient care to the population of South Perth. He has been closely involved with University of Western Australia. He is current investigator of various clinical trials running in the neonatal unit. His research interests include innovations to improve neonatal health care.



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