Eman Ezz El-Sharkawy and Neveen A El-Nisr
Accepted Abstracts: J Cancer Sci Ther
A long-term study was conducted on hepatotoxic effect of hexaconazole fungicide in male rats. Hexaconazole was administered orally in two doses range at 75 or 150 mg/kg bw for 12 months. Absolute and relative liver weights were recorded. Total protein, albumin and globulin levels were determined. Serum gamma glutamyle transferase (γ-GT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate transferase (AST) and bilirubin concentrations were also recorded. Histopathological lesions in livers of exposed rats were described. Liver sections were submitted to immunohistochemical staining using glutathion-Stransferase placental form (GST-P) tumor marker for detection of cacinogenicity. A pronounced toxic effect was observed on liver, where absolute and relative liver weight was significantly increased. A significant reduction in total protein and albumin was obtained. A significant increase in the enzyme activities and bilirubin concentrations in exposed groups was recorded. Liver histopathology exhibited various abnormalities, as hepatocellular swelling, hyperplasia of bile duct and hepatocytes hypertrophy with increase in microcytic degeneration. The most interesting finding was the presence of preneoplastic nodules which appeared by light microscope and confirmed with immunohistochemistry assessment. These results suggested that hexaconazole fungicide has a hepatotoxic effect and tumor promoting activity on liver tissue.
Eman Ezz El-Sharkawy has completed her PhD at the age of 31 years from Assiut University, Egypt and postdoctoral studies from Assiut University, Veterinary school of Medicine. Recently, she is the professor of forensic medicine and toxicology, faculty of veterinary medicine, a premier in toxicological studies of many environmental pollutants in the surrounding environment. She has published several papers in reputed journals.
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