Training OEM residents in hazard evaluation and health risk assessment to respond to OEH threats

International Journal of Public Health and Safety

ISSN: 2736-6189

Open Access

Training OEM residents in hazard evaluation and health risk assessment to respond to OEH threats

World Summit on Occupational Health and Public Safety

August 09, 2021 | Webinar

Timothy M. Mallon

Uniformed Services University, USA

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Int J Pub Health Safe

Abstract :

OEH Hazard Evaluation and Health Risk Assessments are challenging for OH professionals. The USU OEM Residency trains residents in hazard evaluation and health risk assessments to meet the needs of the Department of Defense to respond to OEH threats. Residents complete coursework in Industrial Hygiene, Industrial Hygiene Field Studies, Env. Health Advanced Environmental Health, Toxicology. In addition, Residents attend classes in Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Warfare Agents. Residents do clinical rotations where they apply these principles during rotations at industrial sites and chemical or biological surety sites that reinforce these competencies. Residents can do research on specific hazards or do health risk assessments to meet their MPH research project requirements. The Residency Accreditation requires that the residents attain and document attainment of knowledge, skills, and competencies. The OEM Residency annual program evaluation tracks resident attainment of competencies to respond to OEH threats and do health risk assessments. Program graduates have led responses to various incidents and demonstrated proficiency in meeting commanders and affected personnel’s needs.

Biography :

Timothy Mallon has completed his MD at the Syracuse Upstate Medical University, and Residency Training in Occupational Medicine at John’s Hopkins University School of Public Health and the Army OEM Residency Program. He is the former director of the OEM Residency Program at the USU. He has published more than 60 papers, wrote several textbook chapters and served as the senior editor of a Textbook in Military OEM.

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