Transforming primary care across transition settings

Journal of Nursing & Care

ISSN: 2167-1168

Open Access

Transforming primary care across transition settings

32nd Euro Nursing and Medicare Summit

October 26-28, 2017 | Paris, France

Beth Ann Swan

Thomas Jefferson University, USA

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nurs Care

Abstract :

In the United States, healthcare is undergoing unprecedented change. Concurrently, a movement is underway to transform primary care through enhanced models of care delivery, such as transitional care nursing and the expanded use of interprofessional care teams. With a predicted shortage of primary care providers, and a supply of over 3.7 million registered nurses (RNs) available in the workforce, there is a renewed emphasis for all RN roles to function at the top of their scope of practice and education. Additionally, increasing incidence and prevalence of chronic conditions and obesity, as well as increasing volumes of aging Americans is contributing to the strain on primary care. Newly emerging models that recognize the value of the RN in care coordination and transition management, and complex care in the management chronic disease, admission avoidance, and prevention have opened opportunities for RNs in all ambulatory care settings, including primary care. This presentation will describe and discuss: 1) rationale supporting the movement toward transitional care nursing in primary care, 2) enhanced roles for RNs as part of a larger, more integrated care delivery team, 3) need for engaging schools of nursing and healthcare delivery systems in support for optimizing education and practice, and 4) the role of system level leadership in the promotion and use of RNs in enhanced primary care roles.

Biography :

Beth Ann Swan is Professor and former Dean at the Jefferson College of Nursing.  Swan is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, past president of the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing, and a 2007-2010 Robert Wood Johnson Executive Nurse Fellow. Swan has a distinguished record of extramural funding, publications, and presentations nationally and internationally on topics related to ambulatory care, care coordination and transition management, and technology applications for education and practice. She is Co-Editor of the text, Care Coordination and Transition Management Core Curriculum.  Swan received her PhD and MSN from the University of Pennsylvania, and BSN from Holy Family University.

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