Treatment of metastatic breast cancer with immunotherapy and#8211; A case report

Cancer Science & Therapy

ISSN: 1948-5956

Open Access

Treatment of metastatic breast cancer with immunotherapy – A case report

Joint Event on 34th Euro-Global Summit on Cancer Therapy & Radiation Oncology & 6th International Conference on Big Data Analysis and Data Mining & 13th International Conference on Orthopedics, Arthroplasty and Rhe

July 25-27, 2019 London, UK

Tarang Krishna

Dr. Krishna’s Cancer Healer Center, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Cancer Sci Ther

Abstract :

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. World Health Organization estimated the number of diagnosed breast cancer cases at approximately 2.1 million in 2018. This equals to about 11.6% of the total cancer incidence burden. Globally, the incidence rates of breast cancer are much higher as compared to other cancers. Such high prevalence of breast cancer calls for an effective treatment that is able to resolve the condition permanently. Although the best form of resolution is early diagnosis but an assured treatment should be sought as most of the cases get detected in advanced stages. Most of the patients undergo surgery which is coupled with either adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy and in some cases radiotherapy. The potential side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy make them a non viable option. The treatments of hormone therapy and targeted therapy are also not devoid of side effects. The treatment should be such, which relieves the ailment of the patient rather than augmenting it. Another form of treatment that has emerged to treat various forms of cancer including breast cancer is immunotherapy and it is still in the stage of clinical trials. Many studies have been conducted in relation to the treatment of metastatic breast cancer with conventional immunotherapy but the possibility of emergence of alternate effects has also not been entirely ruled out. This case report aims to establish the efficacy of oral immunotherapy treatment in a patient of metastatic breast cancer in terms of the following: 1) Relieving the patient of her presenting complaints. 2) Removing the evidence of the disease completely from the body without any side effects. 3) Ruling out relapse of the disease. 4) Ensuring a normal life to the patient.

Recent Publications

1. Tarang Krishna (2019) Efficacy of Oral Immunotherapy in a case of Non Hodgkinâ??s Lymphoma. J Carcinog Mutagen 2019, Volume 10.

Biography :

Tarang Krishna is a distinguished and acclaimed physician who has made immense contribution in the field of cancer treatment. A well known and a fabled personality in healthcare, Dr. Tarang Krishna has successfully treated thousands of patients over a span of 18 years. Dr. Krishna completed his MD and thereafter went on to do his PhD from University of London. His aim is to promote and spread the awareness of the benefits of immunotherapy to maximum number of people. He has been appreciated and awarded several times by the Government of India as well as by International Organizations.



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