Otto Janke
Janke Family Chiropractic, USA
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Cancer Sci Ther
Introduction: Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a widely used assessment to measure the time interval between heart beats and this in turn demonstrates the vagal function and sympathetic function of the autonomic nervous system. Current literature demonstrated that the HRV of women who have gone through breast cancer, surgery, and chemotherapy stays low for a length of time, possibly up to a year or more. Evidence suggests that HRV can be a useful tool in evaluating autonomic dysregulation. The purpose of this paper was to chronicle the consistent improvements in salutogenesis, measured through HRV, in a 43-year-old female post breast cancer patient following a course of chiropractic care focused on vertebral subluxation correction. Methods: Chiropractic care was provided to a 43-year-old female following bilateral radical mastectomy and chemotherapy for management of breast cancer. Chiropractic care was focused on the assessment and correction of vertebral subluxation using reliable clinical indicators and Thompson technique. HRV was measured with the Insightâ?˘ instrument. The parameter numbers used were the standard inter beat interval (Sd IBI) from the heart rate analysis. Results: Chiropractic care was provided over a period of 34 weeks. HRV assessment was performed at the initiation of care and again at weeks four, six, 13 and 34. The Sd IBI measurements recorded during the respective assessment visits were 45.42, 74.05, 124.42, 114.43 and 128.58 indicating significant improvement compared to normative data for the same population. Conclusion: A course of chiropractic care focused on the assessment and correction of vertebral subluxation was associated with a salutogenic response in a female post breast cancer patient, as measured via HRV. Further research is needed to investigate the role chiropractors may play in helping similar patient populations so as to inform clinical practice and future higher-level research designs
Otto Janke has been active in clinical practice for 26 years. He graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, IA, USA with Honors in Research. He has had two previous case studies relating to mechanical improvements following Chiropractic care. His focus is now on improvement of vagal tone measured via heart rate variability. He speaks nationally on chiropractic care and the immune system.
Cancer Science & Therapy received 5332 citations as per Google Scholar report