Very high incidence of carcinogenic human papilloma virus type 16 (HPV-16) was found with chrysotile asbestos, and HPV-18, with tremolite asbestos, was found in less than 10% in human breast cancer tissues: Their implica

Cancer Science & Therapy

ISSN: 1948-5956

Open Access

Very high incidence of carcinogenic human papilloma virus type 16 (HPV-16) was found with chrysotile asbestos, and HPV-18, with tremolite asbestos, was found in less than 10% in human breast cancer tissues: Their implica

3rd World Congress on Cancer Science & Therapy

October 21-23, 2013 DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel San Francisco Airport, CA, USA

Yoshiaki Omura

ScientificTracks: J Cancer Sci Ther

Abstract :

In the past, human papillomavirus Type 16 (HPV-16) was mainly considered to be the cause of cancer in the oropharynx, as well as in the genital organs. Cervical cancer of the uterus is the most well-known cancer to be associated with oncogenic HPV-16. Among the oncogenic HPVs, types 16 and 18 are most responsible for the majority of the HPV-caused cancers. Recently, using EMF resonance phenomenon between 2 identical substances, we non-invasively measured HPV-16 and HPV-18 among a group of 20 physicians and dentist, and we found that majority of the physicians and dentists examined have HPV-16 in oral cavities and the oropharynx, but not HPV-18. There were 2 female dentists with breast cancer and strong infection of HPV-16 in the oral cavities and oropharynx. When the author checked their breast cancer positive areas as well as the mammograms of cancer positive areas, chrysotile asbestos coexisted and there was a same degree of the strong infection of HPV-16 as found in their oral cavities. Then, we examined the published mammograms of women with malignant breast cancer published by different institutes, and we found HPV-16 in every one (100%) of the 50 published malignant breast cancer mammograms examined, HPV-18 coexisting in 2 identical breast cancers, and 4 independent breast cancers infected with HPV-18 coexisting in the same breast. We also discovered that breast cancer with HPV-16 always coexists with chrysotile asbestos deposit and breast cancer with HPV-18 coexists with tremolite asbestos. Based on these findings, better method of diagnosis, treatment and prevention with vaccine can be developed.

Biography :

Yoshiaki Omura received oncology residency training and a Doctor of Science Degree through research on Pharmaco-Electro Physiology of Single Cardiac Cells in vivo and in vitro from Columbia University. He published over 250 articles and 7 books. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research, International Journal of Integrated Medicine , and Executive Editor of Integrative Oncology . Using his new diagnostic method, which received U.S. patent, he can non-invasively and rapidly measure many neurotransmitters, chemicals, asbestos, viruses, and bacteria. He developed a non-invasive, quick diagnostic method of malignancies, as well as a method of evaluating the effects of any treatmen

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