Juan Carlos A Padilla1, Patricia Bustos2, Graciela Castro Escarpulli1, Alejandro S�?¡nchez-Varela1, Carlos A Garc�?a-P�?©rez1, Mar�?a de Jes�?ºs L�?³pez-L�?³pez1, V�?ctor Gonz�?¡lez1 and Xianwu Guo1
1Instituto Polit�?©cnico Nacional, Mexico 2Universidad Nacional Aut�?³noma de M�?©xico, Mexico
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Mol Genet Med
Aeromonas caviae is a rod-shaped, gram-negative, ubiquitous bacterium which has been identified to be implicated in a variety of intestinal and extra-intestinal illnesses, as well as soft-tissue infections in humans. It is also one of the bacteria in the genus Aeromonas responsible for the majority (>85%) of human infections and clinical isolates, and related to the most prevalent in pediatric patients. The genome of Aeromonas caviae strain 429865 isolated from an infected 2 years and 4 months old patient in Mexico was sequenced using the Illumina Miseq platform according to the standard operation based on a Pair-End library and a Mate-Pair library of 5Kb fragments. The genome was assembled de novo into 4 contigs using SPAdes v3.5.0 and Consed v29.0. The length of the assembled genome was 4,700,593 bp and has an overall G+C content of 61.0%. Annotation was performed using the NMPDR��?s RAST server, upon which 4,258 Coding Sequences (CDS) were identified, as well as 144 RNAs. BLAST-based Average Nucleotide Identity (ANIb) analysis confirmed that the sequenced genome belonged to the Aeromonas caviae species. OrthoMCL and Java Script Codes were utilized to determine the pan-genome (6,957 proteins) and core-genome (3,293 proteins) of 10 sequenced genomes of A. caviae. 114 unique CDS to A. caviae strain 429865��?s genome were found. Various genes that could be involved in infection were identified, including the genes encoding for toxins, antibiotic resistance and motility.
Juan Carlos A Padilla is a Graduate student currently on his final semester towards his Master of Science degree in Genomics and Biotechnology from the Instituto Politécnico Nacional.
Email: jalbertoo1300@alumno.ipn.mx
Molecular and Genetic Medicine received 3919 citations as per Google Scholar report