Why Patients with Frozen Shoulder does not Improve with Anti-inflammatory Medications?

Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation

ISSN: 2573-0312

Open Access

Why Patients with Frozen Shoulder does not Improve with Anti-inflammatory Medications?

9th International Conference and Expo on Novel Physiotherapies and Physical Rehabilitation

September 06-07, 2021 Webinar

Huang Wei Ling

Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic. Franca. São Paulo. Brazil

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: JPPR

Abstract :

Introduction: According to Western medicine shoulder pain arises in or around the shoulder from its joints and surrounding soft tissues. Joints include the glen humeral, acromioclavicular, and sternoclavicular joints. The conventional treatments for shoulder pain are NSAIDs, physiotherapy, cortisone injections. In traditional Chinese medicine, shoulder is commanded by the Gallbladder meridian. Purpose: To demonstrate that patients with shoulder pain cannot improve their pain when using antiinflammatory medications. Methods: literature review in Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine were done and one case report of a 34-year-old-man, with history of frozen shoulder that was in treatment using anti-inflammatory medications and corticosteroids local injection with no improvement. The patient search for another kind of treatment using Chinese dietary counselling, acupuncture, auricular acupuncture associated with apex ear bloodletting, and said that the pain only improves when he did acupuncture. When he did local injection of corticosteroids, the pain increases and become worst. Chakras energy measurement was done and review that all chakra´s were in the lowest level of energy, with exception of seventh, that was normal. The patient decided to don´t continue the injection of corticosteroids and the use of anti-inflammatory medications that were causing more pain instead of improvement of his pain. Results: the patient improvises his condition only when he stopped he injections of corticosteroids and the use of anti-inflammatory medications and continue the use of acupuncture, auricular acupuncture associated with apex ear bloodletting and replenishment of his chakras energy meridians using highly diluted medications. Conclusion: The conclusion is that the use of anti-inflammatory medications for the treatment of frozen shoulder is not good according to this case report. More studies should be done with more patients to evaluated this result.

Biography :

Huang Wei Ling, born in Taiwan, raised and graduated in medicine in Brazil, specialist in infectious and parasitic diseases, a General Practitioner and Parenteral and Enteral Medical Nutrition Therapist. Once in charge of the Hospital Infection Control Service of the City of Franca’s General Hospital, she was responsible for the control of all prescribed antimicrobial medication and received an award for the best paper presented at the Brazilian Hospital Infection Control Congress in 1998. Since 1997, she works with the approach and treatment of all chronic diseases in a holistic way, with treatment guided through the teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Hippocrates. Researcher in the University of São Paulo, in the Ophthalmology department from 2012 to 2013.Author of the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. Author of more than 60 publications about treatment of variety of diseases rebalancing the internal energy using Hippocrates thoughts.

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