Greenhouse | List of High Impact Articles | PPts | Journals | Videos

Advances in Recycling & Waste Management

ISSN: 2475-7675

Open Access


Green houses are climate controlled. Jain Green Houses have a variety of applications, the majority being, off-season growing of vegetables, floriculture, planting material acclimatization, fruit crop growing for export market and plant breeding and varietals improvement. The greenhouse effect is a naturally occurring process that aids in heating the Earth's surface and atmosphere. It results from the fact that certain atmospheric gases, such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane, are able to change the energy balance of the planet by absorbing long wave radiation emitted from the Earth's surface. Without the greenhouse effect life on this planet would probably not exist as the average temperature of the Earth would be a chilly -18° Celsius, rather than the present 15° Celsius. As energy from the sun passes through the atmosphere a number of things take place. A portion of the energy 26% globally is reflected or scattered back to space by clouds and other atmospheric particles. About 19% of the energy available is absorbed by clouds, gases like ozone and particles in the atmosphere. Of the remaining 55% of the solar energy passing through the Earth's atmosphere, 4% is reflected from the surface back to space. On average, about 51% of the sun's radiation reaches the surface. This energy is then used in a number of processes, including the heating of the ground surface; the melting of ice and snow and the evaporation of water; and plant photosynthesis.

Related journals of greenhouse: 

Journals of Forest Research: Journal of Pollution Effects & Control, Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, European Journal of Soil Science.

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