Coronavirus | Covid-19 | Peer Reviewed Journals Articles | Effects of Coronavirus (Covid-19) in Animal Health

Journal of Animal Health and Behavioural Science

ISSN: 2952-8097

Open Access

Special Issue: Effects of Coronavirus (Covid-19) in Animal Health


Journal of Animal Health and Behavioural Science is pleased to announce a Special issue on “Effects of Coronavirus (Covid-19) in Animal Health”.

According to the World stats & observation, nearly 3 Million Confirmed cases and over 2 lacks people already died due to the spread of infection of Coronavirus, and it is growing day by day. In this Pandemic situation, our only prevention is to stay at home, stay clean, wash your hands frequently, don’t touch your eyes, as We don’t have any proper treatment of this Novel Coronavirus.

But We are not aware of what is happening with animals and their health due to this Pandemic. Whether they are also affecting this virus or they are getting enough food for survival. In the brunch of Animal and Veterinary Science, We usually study all these things, and now also it is our responsibility to aware people about animals, what necessary steps we can take for them during this Pandemic.

With the same purpose, our Journal “Journal of Animal Health and Behavioural Science” is announcing Special issue Call for paper on “Effects of Coronavirus (Covid-19) in Animal Health”. We welcome both solicited and unsolicited submissions that will contribute to this special issue.

Submission Process

  • Special issue articles can include both original unpublished research articles and review articles related to the specific theme.
  • Manuscripts will be accepted for publishing in the special issue only after getting approved by the peer review committee.
  • All the articles in special issues should strictly adhere to journal style and formatting.
  • Each special issue can be created with 5-7 articles.
  • All accepted manuscripts can be submitted online or through an email id to Submission should be accompanied by a cover letter with reference to the concerned special issue theme.

Please visit Instruction for authors page to know more about article formatting and guidelines:

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