5th International Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Conference |

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5th International Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Conference

Conference Report

Pages: 1 - 1

Past conference report â?? 5th International Anesthesia and Pain Medicine conference which was held during August 10-11, 2020

Anesthesia is defined as a temporary state of unconsciousness, lack of pain, loss of memory, and muscle relaxation. Most associate the word with being medically placed in an unconscious state for surgery. The recent advancements in Anesthesia and Pain Medicine were enlightened and discussed in the 5th International Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Conference which was held during August 10-11, 2020 with the theme of  “Anesthesia: Delve into the proficiency of surgery” received a spectacular response. With the active participation and support of the Organizing Committee Members, Editorial Board Members, and impressive presentations of all eminent scientists, talented researchers and young student community made this conference one of the most successful and productive events in ME Conferences.

Extended Abstract

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Efficacy of PNS guided PEC-I and SAP block for post-operative analgesia in MRM - A randomized controlled study

Ananda Jyothi.V.M

Breast cancer is very common in women and it requires surgical intervention ranging from lumpectomy to modified radical mastectomy (MRM). Regional blocks for postoperative analgesia play a major role in the prevention of postoperative complications. Pectoral nerve block (PEC I) and Serratus anterior plane block (SAP) given under PNS guidance are simple yet effective newer techniques to provide post-operative analgesia in breast surgery. The primary aim is to evaluate the efficacy of PNS guided PEC I and SAP block for postoperative analgesia in MRM intending to maintain VAS Score ≤4 in the first 24 hours. Considering the admission rate, a study was conducted in 60 patients taking 5 patients/ month of ASA II & III planned for MRM. Patients were randomly allocated to two groups with 30 patients in each group.

Extended Abstract

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Why patients with knee pain still have symptoms despite the use of anti-inflammatory medications?

Huang Wei Ling

Statement of the Problem: According to Western Medicine, chronic knee pain can have different causes. The problem is usually associated with sprained ligaments, meniscus tears, tendinitis, and runner's knee. The usual treatment is done with ice, stretching exercises, and anti-inflammatory medications. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the knee pain is associated with invasion of External Wind, Cold, Damp and Heat, deficiency of Liver and Kidney, or deficiency of Qi and Blood. Purpose: Demonstrate that by using anti-inflammatory for the treatment of knee pain, we will be causing a greater injury in Kidney and Liver energy, according to TCM, which are responsible for the integrity of the knee. Therefore, the use of these medications will worsen the energy imbalance, maintaining the pain condition.

Extended Abstract

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What are the sources of fibromyalgia and how to treat it without using anti-inflammatory or anti-depressant drugs?

Huang Wei Ling

Statement of the Problem: Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory, and mood issues. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the genesis of Fibromyalgia is the Blood deficiency and invasion of external factors, such as Cold as Wind. The disease is also related to awareness of the vulnerability of the body during the post-partum period. When the strength of the body is not recovered after birth, fibromyalgia may appear in the future.

Extended Abstract

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New sedation paradigm in critically ill patients

Khaled Sewify

Review of the new sedation strategies in critically ill patients by summarizing the latest 2018 PADIS guidelines published by the American Society of Critical Care Medicine. A quick review of different agents used in sedation strategy in ICU and answering different questions related to the topic including pain assessment and management, choice of sedative, prevention, and treatment of delirium, and sleep disruption and rehabilitation and early mobilization to prevent ICU-Acquired weakness.

Extended Abstract

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A peripheral nerve stimulator guided popliteal sciatic nerve block combined with adductor canal block in lower leg surgery- A sole anesthetic technique

Darshit Prafulkumar Chauhan

The lower leg surgeries (Below knee) involve fractures of the distal tibia, ankle surgeries, lower limb amputation, debridement, PVD surgeries, and these surgeries are very common. When associated with comorbidities, the choice of anesthesia in such cases may be regional or General Anesthesia. In this Prospective Randomised Controlled Trial, we aim to explore the efficacy of the Adductor canal block plus Popliteal Sciatic Block for Lower leg surgeries. Sixty patients (ASA I, II, III) undergoing lower limb surgeries were randomly allocated in 2 groups (30 patients in each group).

Extended Abstract

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Comparison of McGrath video laryngoscope with conventional Macintosh laryngoscope for tracheal intubation in pediatric patients with normal airway

Stuti Bhamri

Video laryngoscopes have attained prime importance in securing the airway in children in this present era. The magnified view, maintenance of an effective distance from the patients and high success rate make them a good choice for intubation. McGrath video laryngoscope is available with various sizes of single-use non-channeled disposable blades made of fog-free medical-grade optical polymer. However, there is a paucity of data regarding its use in children. In this prospective randomized controlled trial, a total of 88 ASA grade I and II children aged 2-10years, weighing 10–20kg undergoing general anaesthesia were enrolled.

Extended Abstract

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Analgesic efficacy of Inj. Dexamethasone as an adjuvant with inj. Levobupivacaine in ultrasound guided transverse abdominis plane (TAP) block after cesarean delivery- A prospective randomized controlled double-blind study

Erra Shirish

Ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane block (TAPB) has been found as a safe and effective analgesic technique for several lower abdominal surgeries and the addition of adjuvant reported to reduce postoperative analgesia requirement. The aim was to assess the efficacy of adding dexamethasone (8mg) to levobupivacaine (0.25%) in USG-guided TAPB given in patients who underwent cesarean section in terms of time for first rescue analgesia and total analgesic requirement in the first 24 hours post-operatively. 80 females of ASAPS grade I-II, scheduled for elective/ emergency LSCS under spinal anaesthesia taken.

Extended Abstract

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Inadvertent retrograde cannulation of right internal jugular vein: A Case report on erroneous positioning of catheter tip in superior jugular venous bulb

Mohd Anas Khan

Background: Percutaneous retrograde cannulation of the internal jugular vein (IJV) is a widely used technique for cerebral venous sampling in intensive care treatment for Central Venous Pressure (CVP) monitoring and administration of pressor agents, blood products, and for frequent blood sampling. Ultrasound (USG) guided central venous cannulation is a preferred modality to lower the errors while insertion and reduce the complication rates.

Extended Abstract

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Correlates of post-dural puncture headache and efficacy of different treatment options: A monocentric retrospective study

Akel Azzi

Background and Objectives: Post-dural puncture headache (PDPH) is a severe positional headache that appears usually within 72 hours after inadvertent dural puncture, secondary to cerebrospinal fluid leakage. It is treated first by conservative treatment (including bed rest, hydration, caffeine, and simple analgesia) and then by invasive procedures such as blood patch. This study aims to evaluate factors associated with PDPH among a sample of Lebanese patients and assess the rate of success of different treatment modalities administered in a specific sequence: conservative treatment first then ultrasound-guided bilateral greater occipital nerve block (GONB) if failure of conservative treatment and last, epidural blood patch (EBP) if failure of GONB.

Extended Abstract

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Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) discussing pathophysiology, diagnosis and management

Elvin Daniel

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) / Hypertrophic obstructive Cardiomyopathy (HOCM) /Idiopathic hypertrophic sub-aortic stenosis (IHSS) is the most common heritable cardiomyopathy affecting approx 1 in 500 people. HCM is a diagnosis of exclusion; secondary causes of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) such as systemic hypertension, valvular and subvalvular aortic stenosis, and infiltrative cardiomyopathies must be ruled out. Patient presentation is phenotypically diverse, ranging from asymptomatic to heart failure or sudden cardiac death (SCD). Left ventricular hypertrophy and abnormal ventricular configuration result in dynamic left ventricular outflow obstruction (gradient >30mmHg) in most patients. The goal of therapeutic interventions is largely to reduce dynamic obstruction, with treatment modalities spanning lifestyle modifications, pharmacotherapies, and septal reduction therapies. Our center at New Delhi has done over 30 successful cases of HCM.

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