7th International Conference on Applied Physics and Space Science | August 17-18, 2020 |

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7th International Conference on Applied Physics & Space Science | August 17-18, 2020

Editorial Note

Pages: 1 - 1

Past Conference Editorial of Applied Physics 2020

Ephraim Suhir

Conference Series LLC Ltd hosted the “Applied Physics & Space Science”, during August 17-18, 2020 with the theme, “New Tides and Innovations in the Arena of Physics and Astronomy Science”, which was a great success. Eminent keynote speakers from various reputed institutions and organizations addressed the gathering with their resplendent presence.

We extend our grateful thanks to all the momentous speakers, conference attendees who contributed towards the successful run of the conference.

Applied Physics 2020 witnessed an amalgamation of peerless speakers who enlightened the crowd with their knowledge and confabulated on various latest and exciting innovations in all areas of Applied Physics  and Quantum Physics.

Applied Physics Organizing Committee extends its gratitude and congratulates the Honorable Moderators of the conference.

Conference Series LLC Ltd extends its warm gratitude to all the Honorable Guests and Keynote Speakers of “Applied Physics 2020”.

  • Emmanuel Saucedo-Flores, The Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico
  • Vasily Yu. Belashov, Kazan Federal University, Russia
  • Raul Jimenez Cruz, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico

Conference Series LLC Ltd is privileged to felicitate Applied Physics 2020 Organizing Committee, Keynote Speakers, Chairs & Co-Chairs and also the Moderators of the conference whose support and efforts made the conference to move on the path of success. Conference Series LLC LTD thanks every individual participant for the enormous exquisite response. This inspires us to continue organizing events and conferences for further research in the field of Applied Physics  and Quantum Physics.

Conference Series LLC Ltd is glad to announce its “8th International Conference on Applied Physics & Space Science. We cordially welcome all the eminent researchers, Scientists, Professors, Geophysicists, Nuclear physicists, academia, labs, government agencies, Training Institutes, Young researchers, Data Management Companies, students and delegates to take part in this upcoming conference to witness invaluable scientific discussions and contribute to the future innovations in the field of Applied Physics with 20% abatement on the Early Bird Prices.

Bookmark your dates for “Applied Physics 2021” as the Nominations for Best Poster Awards and Young Researcher Awards are open across the world.

Value Added Abstracts

Pages: 2 - 2

Analytic α-Expressions for the proton charge radius, the proton to electron mass ratio and the elementary particles Wirkungsquantum

Emmanuel Saucedo-Flores

New expressions in terms of the proton charge radius are derived for the Sommerfeld or fine-structure constant, the proton to electron mass ratio and the Wirkungsquantum for both elementary particles. An ad hoc, small uncertainty numeric value for the proton charge radius was derived based on the currently accepted, high uncertainty value for which a small correction factor was found to be required during the derivation of the sought expressions. A quasi-exact match to the Planck constant quantum of action h was used as criteria to heuristically fine tune the numerical value of the proposed “new” proton charge radius. Definitions of the electron Wirkungsquantum and the proton Wirkungs quantum are disclosed.

Value Added Abstracts

Pages: 3 - 3

The BK System: Soliton Dynamics in Media with Wave Field Stochastic Fluctuations (theory and applications)

V.Yu. Belashov

The soliton dynamics in complex continuous media with the wave field's stochastic fluctuations which is described by the generalized equations of the Belashov-Karpman (BK) system including the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (GKP) and the nonlinear Schrodinger (GNLS) classes of equations is studied analytically and numerically. In our investigations we take into account the generalizations relevant to various complex physical media including space plasma, atmosphere, hydrosphere, optical fibers and waveguides and other complex dispersive media, where the stochastic fluctuations of wave field takes place always, on a level with the high-order dispersion effects, influence of dissipation and instabilities of different types. The results on influence of Gaussian noise on structure, stability and interaction dynamics of the multidimensional nonlinear waves and solitons, when the waves and solitons are deformed during the propagation, acquiring oscillating structure are presented. The analysis of stability of solutions is based on study of transformational properties of the Hamiltonian of the corresponding system. The structure of possible multidimensional solutions and their collisional interaction is studied numerically. This is consistent representation of the both earlier known and new original results obtained by authors and also some generalizations in theory of the nonlinear waves and solitons in complex dispersive media with presence of stochastic fluctuations of the wave field. Some applications of obtained results in real physical media are presented.

Value Added Abstracts

Pages: 4 - 5

Intelligent Classifier of Patterns for celestial bodies using a Two-dimensional approach

Jimenez Cruz Raul

Human curiosity towards astronomy in recent decades has allowed the development of great technological advances, which has helped to deepen the knowledge of celestial bodies. Unfortunately, there are still certain inconsistencies in the terminology and classification, therefore this paper proposes the possibility of an intelligent classification based on the features of celestial bodies instead of calculating their electromagnetic fields. Physical criteria are proposed obtained from the data bank of the Digital Sky Survey which was modified in the Kaggle data repository for discrimination between different body classes. The classification obtained has some advantages, especially in the reduction of time and lower computational cost on KNN (K Neighbors Classifier), SVM, Naive Bayes Classifier, Decision Tree Classifier and Random Forest Classifier.

Value Added Abstracts

Pages: 6 - 7

Cosmology and Unified Quantum Gravity Theory of the universe

Chinmoy Bhattacharya

An unified quantum gravity theory of the universe is discovered and being proposed which explores the true dimensionality of all the physical variables of the universe like energy, EM- wave, entropy, mass, time, temperature, gravitation, etc. and merges the “Classical Theory”, “Thermodynamics”, “Quantum Mechanics” and the “Theory of Relativity of Albert Einstein” under a single umbrella by a newly proposed mass-energy equivalence phenomena.

The proposed quantum gravity theory predicts that all the physio-chemical changes of the universe are controlled by the interactions of the different types of ‘GRAVITONS’ existing very much in the nature in the form of either ‘push-forward gravitons’ or ‘pull-back gravitons’. The push forward gravitons are directly related to entropy, force/temperature, energy, electromagnetic wave, space expansion, photoelectric emission, nuclear fission, X-ray, plasma state and super gravity. On the contrary, the pull- back gravitons are directly related to order, time, mass, inverse magnetic field, space contraction, permeability, nuclear fusion, gravitational collapse, the Black –Holes and the singularity.

The quantum gravity theory derived units and the Plank units for the 5 nos. of basic variables of the universe, i.e., time, temperature, Planck’s constant, mass and electric charge merge to the same point when the unified theory defined dimensions of Gravitation is utilized for this exercise.The ‘UNIVERSE’ has been proved as a 10 dimensional entity.The mechanism of formation of different types of ‘Black-Holes’ have been  distinctly diagnosed and their geometrical shapes and thermodynamics have been explained. The conflict among  the phenomena of ‘Information system’ , ‘Black Hole evaporation’, ‘Event-Horizon” and ‘Gamma-ray bursts of Black Holes’ of the existing theories have been fully removed.

The world storming ‘cold nuclear fusion’ phenomena has been established to be a real phenomenon of the universe and not an experimental artefact.The time (t) and the temperature (T) have been proved to be multiplicative inverse to each other and both being linked to the intermolecular forces. The dimensionality of energy and electromagnetic waves have been proved to be different and by a simple ‘Entropy-Energy Wheel’ wave model the Black Body Radiation curves have been explained.

Quantum mechanical wave equations (both time-dependent and time-independent) as proposed by Schrodinger merges to a



single universal wave equation, when the concepts of mass of the proposed quantum gravity ( QG) theory is utilized and applied on the said wave equations. The QG theory derived wave   function, ѱ, is an universal one and the dimensionality of the universe is explored from this universal wave function.A new theory of “COLOR PHYSICS” has been proposed in terms of ‘Color gravitons’. The dimensionality of ‘COLOR’ has been evolved, both in object and EM-wave.

The  mystery of ‘GREY UNIVERSE’ (why the universe is grey in color?) and the ‘Newton Color Wheel’ and the ‘Spectral Power distribution of Black Body radiations’ have been shown to be interlinked to each other and all the said phenomena have been proved to be the outcome of quantized gravitation fields. The two universal parameter, ‘pi’ and the exponential factor ‘e’ have been proved to be the thermodynamic in origin and are related to the kinetic energies and the potential energies of matters of the universe respectively. The ‘pi’ parameter is shown to be a ‘space graviton’ and the so called photons are in fact the EM-wave gravitons and those have been proved.

The ‘second law of Thermodynamics’, the ‘Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle’ and the ‘Planck constant - h’ have been established as the same phenomena and related to ‘Entropy’. The inappropriateness of the quantum theory of Max Plank and the Theory of relativity, (both general and special versions) of Albert Einstein are revealed by the quantum gravity theory and the true root cause of Photo-Electric phenomena is also evolved.

A new “DIMENSIONAL COLLAPSE THEORY” has been put forward at the beginning of the article, to explain the subject of mathematical ‘integrations’ and ‘differentiations’ in context to theory of quantum gravity. The proposed theory reveals the all cosmic mysteries of the universe. This innovative quantum gravity theory will be of immense help to the Engineers of the world to design super power and super-efficient engines to  drive the motor vehicles, Aero planes and Rockets.

Value Added Abstracts

Pages: 8 - 8

Theory of 3 Folds and 4 Dimensional Universe (Beyond Standard Model of Particle Physics)

Yogesh Vishwanath Chavan

three Postulates are defined here, based upon current experimental limit on size of Fundamental particle i.e. upto 10-19 m and an Empirical formula is derived (h=Q*c*k) giving maximum mass of particle within experimental range of ≈ TeV. 3rd Postulate i.e. Equivalency between “Mass” and “Straight Imaginary Line” gives co-relation between massless and spin = 1 properties of Boson as proved in QED theory. Fundamental particles of Standard Model are arranged in 3 Folds way in 4th Imaginary Dimension; Bottom Fold, Top Fold and Middle Upper and Lower Folds with decreased in energy from TeV to approx. 0 eV respectively. With this representation of the Universe at atomic and sub-atomic level, it solves lot of current problems of SM of Particle physics like Matter-Antimatter asymmetry, origin of 3 Generations or families of Fermions, Nature of gravitating dark matter and repulsive dark energy particles, cosmological coincidence, origin of mass of hadrons like protons, wave-particle duality of particles etc. giving true insight about nature of fundamental particles. This theory also demands existence of 4th Pair of Neutrino-AntiNeutrino.

Value Added Abstracts

Pages: 9 - 9

Theoretical calculations of quantum phase of time-dependent multimode coupled quadratic polynomial Bose system

Ang-Yang Yu

The theory of generalized linear transformation is utilized to obtain the only strict solution of time-dependent multi-mode coupled quadratic polynomial Bose system evolution operator. Based on this solution, both the Pancharatnam (PM) quantum phase1 and Aharonov-Anandan (A-A) quantum phase2 of the time-dependent multimode coupled quadratic polynomial Bose system have been calculated and analyzed. The relationship between PM quantum phase and A-A quantum phase has also been discussed. This work is significant for investigating quantum phase, including the topic of Berry phase.

Value Added Abstracts

Pages: 10 - 10

Application of unusual properties of low level laser radiation for transfer information from medicine to patient�??s body in therapy of patients with some viral diseases

Naylya Djumaeva

The presence of some non- electromagnetic components in a laser sources for the first time was predicted by A. Akimov (Russia,1995) in the early nineties and experimentally revealed by A.Bobrov (Russia,1996).  This preliminary study describes an application of unusual properties   of low level laser radiation with laser light guide emitter (Patent Uzbekistan, 2005) in the field of which were placed different antiviral medications, with the aim of treatment the group of patients with different viral diseases.  In total, eleven   patients with verified virus pathology have been observed. For   therapy purpose were used the following medications:  Lamivudine (200mg), Daclatasvir(60mg),Sofosbuvir (400mg), Acyclovir(200mg),Ibavirin (Copegus0(200mg) in tablets, which were placed into the  laser light guide emitter. The obtained findings suggest that under the influence of non- electromagnetic field formed by laser light guide emitter, remote transmission of pharmacological properties of a medication to patient’s body occurs. Application of this technology enables to reduce duration of the therapy for CHBV and CHCV   infection patients. In some cases (CHCV infection virus, Epstein - Barr virus, cytomegalovirus   infection) this results in complete elimination of the virus infection.

Value Added Abstracts

Pages: 11 - 12

Einstein mass-energy equivalence equation E=mc2 is wrong because does not contains Dark Matter

Adrian Ferent

I discovered a new Gravitation theory, Ferent Quantum Gravity, FQG, which breaks the wall of Planck scale.“Einstein mass–energy equivalence equation E=mc2 is wrong because does not contains Dark Matter”. Einstein in 1905 did not formulate exactly the equation E=mc2 but he said: ’if a body gives off the energy L in the form of radiation, its mass diminishes by L/c2’. Thus means for Einstein the inertial mass of an object changes if the object absorbs or emits energy.

“The elementary particles contain Dark Matter”.

“Ferent equation for elementary particles:

“The electron is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter electron”.

“I discovered Dark Matter in electron and positron collision”.

“The photon confined inside the electron has mass and electric charge”.

“The particle energy E, is the sum of Matter energy and Dark Matter energy:

 E = Em + Edm

“Mass–energy equivalence for Dark Matter: E = md × vp2

The Ferent factor is the Lorentz factor where the speed of the photon is replaced by the Dark photon speed ”

Ferent mass–energy equivalence equation: E=mc2+mdv2p

Value Added Abstracts

Pages: 13 - 13

Gravity-Antigravity using new Axioms and Laws

Valentina Markova

The modeling is based on a new theoretical basis.The new theory is based on  two new axioms , is built on eight new laws and many consequences. The mathematical basis is described in detail in many previous publications by the same author .

 It is well known the Maxuel’s Axiom of Field Theory.It claims that the movement of a closed-loop vector E is always  even: div (rot E) = 0.

This model use one (first)  axiom and five laws only .The first  axiom  is fundamental and claims  that the movement of vector E describing an open vortex is always uneven: div (rot E) ≠ 0. When the vortex is in a plane (2D) is obtained  a cross vortex .If div (rot E) >0, the cross vortex accelerates and  it generates as suck in energy  and mass.

If div (rot E) <0,the cross vortex  decelerates and  it  emit energy  and mass.When the vortex is in volume (3D) , a longitudinal vortex is obtained.If div (rot E)> 0 the longitudinal vortex  accelerates. If the div (rot E) <0, the longitudinal vortex  decelerates .

Moreover, the decelerating cross vortex from 2D is transformed into an accelerating longitudinal vortex into 3D. When the   main cross vortex   is decelerated in 2D, many decelerating   cross vortices are emitted   from the center of   the main vortex  in 2D.If sufficient quantity of  cross vortices  they are accumulated and  transformed in center. A  few  longitudinal  accelerating vortices  in 3D , perpendicular to a 2D is occurred. This a few  longitudinal  accelerating vortices  in 3D are  attracted  each other. The faster is  inserted  into the slower one  bacause of that it   is narrower and has less diameter.So they form so called a Gravity  Funnel.This Gravity Funnel  sucks on below and   shoots to  up and in the same time  is attracts from outside to inside.

Obviously this Gravity Funnel  is the basis of generating the antigravity   thrust. The author demonstrates the principle with several animations.

Value Added Abstracts

Pages: 14 - 14

Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Very Low Frequency (VLF) Electromagnetic Methods of geophysical investigation of mineral occurrences in Usen, Southern Nigeria

Enoma Nosakhare

Very Low Frequency (VLF) Electromagnetic (EM) and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) investigation were carried out at two (2) locations at Usen area of Southern Nigeria. This was done with a view to identify the mineral conductive areas in the survey locations. The locations were, Edo State Polytechnic field environment and Edo State Polytechnic Science Laboratory Technology environment located within longitudes   East and latitude    North. ABEM WADI (EM) instrument was used for the VLF survey. This was done so that points that indicates high conductivity for the VLF surveys were marched with those of ERT survey. The two (2) locations were found to be conductive. Then, 2D resistvity data acquisition was carried out on the two (2) locations. Data were acquired in parallel directions using wenner schlumberger electrode configurations with resistivity meter SAS 1000 using electrode separation of a = 5m and inter spacing of  L=10m making a total of 60m square grid for the lateral extent. The 2D data set were inverted using RES2DINV software producing 2D models. These models conductive points were than compared with that  of the VLF survey which indicates the presences of minerals. The minerals and aggregate that fall within the resistvity range (17.8�?�m to 46938�?�m) observed from the models are dolomite, maris, clay, alluvium, moraine, soil 40% clay, soil 20% clay, lateritic soil, sand clay/ clay sand, limonite, quartz, rock salt, lignite, syenite, basalt, schists, marble, conglomerates, and sandstone. The physical properties of lateritic soil, sand, sandstone, shale, clay and dolomite agree with some of the outcrop minerals found in the study area.

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