Biodiversity, Conservation and Ecosystem Management |

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Biodiversity, Conservation and Ecosystem Management

Value Added Abstracts

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Physiological and molecular facets of plant iron nutrition and interactions in global scenario

Akhouri Hemantaranjan

Understanding the physiological and molecular aspects of iron (Fe) nutrition and interactions in plants is critical for the development of long-term agricultural methods in the face of iron deficiency. In major agricultural crops, iron interactions with zinc, nitrogen, boron, aluminium, and vanadium were favourable. Following that, significant progress was made in understanding the function of transport proteins in plant Fe homeostasis. The action of FRO proteins reduces iron in symplast to Fe2+, whereas the FDR3 gene plays a key role in Fe transport. The new physiological and molecular understandings of Fe absorption and translocation in grains also point to the buildup of some hazardous metals, which requires further research. Plant leaves, in addition to these functions, are crucial sink tissues for iron in plastids and mitochondria, as well as essential for photosynthesis and other cellular metabolic activities. Fe shortage reduces symbiotic nitrogen fixation through reducing rhizobial species' growth and survival, nodule formation, and nodule function, because Fe2+ is a component of nitrogenase, leghaemoglobin, and ferredoxin, all of which are regulated by nodulin-like genes. Fe plays an important role in the hostrhizobium relationship in Phaseolus vulgaris. The remarkable role of 24-Epibrassinolide in preserving physiologically active iron, which is stored in vacuoles or ferritin of various crop species, was recently investigated. Greater insights are needed under changing climate conditions to improve the judicious use and efficiency of iron in plants through sensible researches at molecular levels. Plant nutrient imbalances are a global challenge for crop productivity. Traditionally, visual symptoms have been used to diagnose nutritional problems. Iron (Fe) is one of the most necessary and difficult micronutrients for living organisms to obtain.

Fe is involved in a wide range of biological processes, but its bioavailability in well-aerated and calcareous soils is extremely low. Many enzymatic reactions require it in both heme and non-heme forms. Fe administration increased photosynthetic CO2 fixation rates by 96 percent within the first 10 days of treatment per unit leaf area. Fe shortage in legumes reduces symbiotic nitrogen fixation through reducing the growth and survival of rhizobia, Rhizobium phaseoli, and other rhizobial species, nodule formation, nodule function, and host plant development. The introduction of nitrogen-fixing nodules into non-nodule-forming French beans using iron and zinc fertilisation revealed a key role for Fe in the hostrhizobium relationship. Different crop plants with different Fe acquisition mechanisms could have a similar impact on the rhizosphere microbial community through releasing root exudates. Iron-zinc, iron-nitrogen, iron-boron-zinc, and ironzinc-vanadium interactions examined in a variety of agricultural crops yielded a wealth of information about Fe's physiological activities in plants. Chlorosis is caused by a significant Fe deficit, which results in a multiple-fold decrease in nitrate reduction to ammonia. To carry out the many metabolic activities that occur within chloroplasts and mitochondria, substantial amounts of Fe are required. Fe is necessary for the formation of iron-sulfur (FeS) clusters in mitochondria and the appropriate functioning of the respiratory electron transport chain. Last but not least, the overall research by our own and international scientists enriches our knowledge in one of the most important fields of physiological and biochemical aspects of iron nutrition and interactions in plants, which is relevant for the development of sustainable agricultural practises aimed at addressing this nutritional stress, which is one of the major constraints for the limited agricultural resources.

Value Added Abstracts

Pages: 1 - 1

Ecologiq â?? Purposely greener infrastructure

Alexis Davison

Ecologiq is a platform for Victorian infrastructure workers who desire to do their jobs in a more environmentally friendly way. Through the way we lead and operate, our circular economy approach makes sustainably-built projects the new normal. Victoria's transportation infrastructure boom is a once-in-alifetime opportunity to produce beneficial outcomes and contribute to garbage cleanup. Ecologiq aims to repurpose the Victorian transportation infrastructure business for a more environmentally friendly purpose. More waste materials can be recycled, repaired, and reused in our projects, and all of our new transportation infrastructure can be developed responsibly. We'll look into and put to the test how we may incorporate waste products into our daily work routines. In our flagship initiatives, we will do research, innovate, share expertise, and promote these applications. We'll align our environmental and sustainability standards with industryleading norms, then push those criteria even higher. This campaign will bring together the government, businesses, institutions, and anybody else who wants to be a part of an era-defining push to make world-class sustainable practises the new normal. The circular economy, which focuses on repurposing trash, will become our new standard and represent our bolder, more environmentally conscious mission.

We try to minimise the quantity of trees and other vegetation removed inside construction zones in our projects, in addition to following all criteria under relevant Victorian and Australian legislation. We enlist the help of skilled ecologists and arborists to ensure that any important species is preserved and conserved. During construction, ‘no-go zones' are fenced off to safeguard trees and delicate species. We collaborate with the community and use ecologically conscious design and construction practises to save as many trees as possible. When a tree must be cut down, we will explore for ways to repurpose the wood for environmental and community projects. Soil management and treatment is a necessary aspect of the construction process. Victoria's Big Build manages construction sites responsibly to keep communities healthy and the environment safe. Qualified specialists will test the soil and design a management plan throughout the planning phase. The following substances are typically discovered in excavated soil: naturally occurring heavy metals, such as arsenic, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a group of chemicals used in manufacturing, asbestos fibres. All soil handled and removed from the site is managed in accordance with the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria's strict regulations.

Value Added Abstracts

Pages: 1 - 1

Strategies and Priorities in Trees Reproductive Allocation

Eliezer E Goldschmidt

The survival of a single tree is not contingent on sexual reproduction. However, the long-term survival of tree species necessitates an effective means of reproduction, whether asexual or sexual. Most tree species achieve reproductive maturity in the wild. After several decades of adolescence, and even then, sexual adolescence. Reproduction occurs on an irregular basis, frequently in a masting phase. Estimates of the reproductive allocation (= the percentage of annual photosynthate transferred to sexual reproduction) in forest trees show a long, progressive increase that peaks at 50% in ‘mast' years but never exceeds 20% on average. Certain subtropical and tropical fruit trees (Citrus, Olive, Mango, Avocado), on the other hand, devote a significant amount of resources in abundant flowering and fruiting. A grapefruit tree's reproductive allocation has been calculated to be 79 percent. Fruit overload and exhaustion of carbohydrate reserves may cause some Citrus cultivars to collapse. The reasoning behind this behaviour could be that these trees are exposed to environmental challenges in their natural, native habitats, including dryness, which threatens their survival. As a result, they devote all of their energy on sexual reproduction, which is their top goal. Environmental challenges, on the other hand, do not threaten the survival of the aforementioned temperate and boreal forest trees; vegetative growth is their top priority, and they have a more moderate reproductive allocation on average. In dioecious tree species, studies of sexual dimorphism often discover patterns consistent with a higher cost of reproduction in female (pistillate) individuals, who also display lower growth.

In life-history models that predict patterns of reproductive allocation, growth curves, and other aspects of plant ontogeny, such "costs of reproduction" are central: such "costs of reproduction" are central to life-history models that predict patterns of reproductive allocation, growth curves, and other aspects of plant ontogeny. However, because of the apparent relevance of biophysical processes (such as hydraulic limiting effects), it is often assumed that reproductive physiological effects have a little, if any, role in determining age-related patterns of tree growth and functional features. This chapter evaluates existing data to detect and quantify the role of reproduction in tree functional biology, using meta-analysis to combine results from many researches when possible. According to life-history theory, trees have a long period of pre-reproductive growth and a pattern of increasing reproductive allocation with size. Analyses of growth curves from some dioecious tree species reveal sexual dimorphism in patterns of growth drop late in tree ontogeny, indicating that reproduction has a significant role in influencing the shape of growth declines. Finally, reproduction cannot be discounted as a minor factor in determining age-related changes in tree functional biology. The physiological mechanisms behind reproductive impacts, as well as their comparative biology and interactions with other growth-limiting systems, demand a lot more research.

Extended Abstract

Pages: 1 - 1

Assessment of Agro Biodiversity through the foldscope

Jayateertha Diwan

The study of agrobiodiversity is crucial in the current climate change context because it aids in the development of genotypes that are climate change resilient. This aids in the development of climate-smart plants. Agrobiodiversity refers to the diversity of living creatures that contribute to the production of food and agriculture. This encompasses diversity within and between species, as well as within environments. Foldscope is a low-cost paper microscope with a magnification of 140X and a resolution of 2 microns that is robust and portable. Manu Prakash and Jim Cybulski of Stanford University in the United States devised this. The Foldscope may be used to investigate and learn about biodiversity in crop plants, microorganisms, and insects. This aids in the education of students as well as the development of research methodologies to achieve desired outcomes. In this experiment, we're looking at seed morphology, seedling characters (root, shoot, pigmentation), leaf characters (leaf serration, leaf sheath), flower characteristics (Calyx, Corolla, Androecium, Gynoecium), and distinctive features in cereals, pulses, oilseeds, and commercial crops. Variability is an important component of genetic resources, allowing breeders to use it to improve crops around the world by using it for desirable traits and in desirable directions. We're currently investigating rice types for their root hair properties, which we've quantified using Foldscope. The root hair length and density/mm2 observations for different rice types demonstrated that there is diversity, which can be used to evaluate nutrient and water use efficiency. Other crop parameters will be investigated in the same way.

A Foldscope is a low-cost science gadget that consists of a sheet of paper and a lens that may be made from simple components. It was created by Dr. Manu Prakash and is intended to be built for less than $1. It's part of the "frugal science" movement, which strives to make low-cost, easy-touse scientific equipment available in underdeveloped countries. The Indian government's Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and Stanford University's Prakash Lab signed an agreement to deliver the Foldscope to India to foster scientific curiosity. It is used to teach students in biology, chemistry, physics, and a variety of other subjects. With these facts in mind, the book's editors and authors attempted to compile their research and review perspectives on Foldscope usage and its numerous uses. The goal of this book is to make it easier for students, instructors, researchers, scientists, and the general public to use Foldscope as an instructional and research tool. The Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, is acknowledged by several writers who are also Project Investigators and recipients of the Foldscope research award. The authors believe that this book will provide not only enjoyable reading but also practical knowledge in the field of Foldscope microscopy to those who use it. It would be a big contribution if we used the variability measured by Foldscope in crop improvement, plant microbe interaction research, and the development of pest resistance plants, all of which would contribute to better food and agriculture in the face of climate change.

Value Added Abstracts

Pages: 1 - 1

The role of protected areas in wildlife conservation of Republic Sakha (Yakutia)

Vladimirtseva M V

The system of protected areas/PA in northern Yakutia began to take shape in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Ygynnya in the Upper Yana River basin, Chaigurgino in the Lower Kolyma River basin, and Jirkogo in the Middle Kolyma River basin are all resource reserves. The nature memory of Stolb Island in the Lena river delta, Pokhodskaya Edoma and Rogovatka in the lower Kolyma area, and Berelekh Mammoth Cemetery in the Lower Indigirka basin have all been validated. In 1985, Russia's largest reserve at the time, UstLensky State Nature Reserve, with a total area of 12, 133 ha, was formed. PA intensification of various forms occurred in northeastern Yakutia in the mid-nineteenth century. More than 20 P?s, including nature parks, resource reserves, and nature memorials, were formed and are operational in Yakutia as a result of President Michail E. Nikolaev's decision. To conserve endangered animal species, the major resource reserves: Lena Delta, Terpei Tumus, Kytalyk, Kolyma Koren, and Bear???s Islands were established in the 1990s and 2000s. PA's function in biodiversity and vertebrate fauna conservation in the northern part of Yakutia was evaluated using analytic study of literature, found data, and personal data. The globe is struggling to meet the agreed-upon goal of preserving 17 percent of its terrestrial surface as a protected natural area by 2020, covering various ecosystems. The Sakha Republic (Yakutia; Russia's largest region) has already surpassed this amount, with 38 percent of its total land area preserved in various types of natural reserves.

Sakhamin Afanasyev, Yakutia's Minister of Ecology, Nature Management, and Forestry, announced this monumental feat on September 26 during the Northern Sustainable Development Forum's (NSDF) "Ecotourism and Protected Area" event in Yakutsk. This event, co-organized and led by the Yakutian Government and LT&C, was one of many unique events held during the course of the four-day Forum. Mikhail Nikolaev, Sakha's first president, is credited with establishing the wide network of nature reserves. The current government is expanding on his foresightful environment conservation strategy from the 1990s, which was originally dubbed a "Gift to the Earth" by WWF. The network of protected areas continues to expand. The entire New Sibrian Islands were only recently declared a regional nature reserve. In the last 35 years, thanks to the Ust-Lensky Reserve's protection system, the population levels of commercial fish, birds, and animals have stabilised. PAs were particularly important for the protection, population restoration, and range expansion of endangered bird and mammal species along the wall near-Arctic Yakutia area (Siberian crane Grus leucogeranus, Brent geese Branta bernicla, and other species), Ross???s gull Rhodostethia rosea, Spectacled Somateria fischeri and Steller???s Polysticta stelleri eiders, Peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus, Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus, Black-capped marmot Marmota camtschatica, Polar bear Ursus maritimus).

Google Scholar citation report
Citations: 624

Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species received 624 citations as per Google Scholar report

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