Research Article
Pages: 1 - 4Takayoshi Ohtsu*, Yuma Nagao and Ryuji Ohsawa
DOI: 10.37421/bset.2021.S1.001
Due to the decrease in the electrostatic strength of electronic devices, there is concern about the effects of transient changes in the electromagnetic field on them. The optical voltage probe has high input impedance, can observe the signal waveform without affecting the circuit, and has little influence on the system to be measured by using the optical fiber cable. Furthermore, since the frequency characteristics are flat, it is possible to measure the original waveform with an oscilloscope. Therefore, the malfunction of the robot due to electrostatic discharge was analyzed using an optical voltage probe.
Review Article
Pages: 1 - 6Yasuhiro Tanaka*, Kimio Hijikata and Hiroaki Miyake
DOI: 10.37421/bset.2021.S1.002
A principle of “DC current integrated charge measurement method”, which is usually called as “Q(t) method” for simplicity, and some typical measurement results obtained using the Q(t) method are introduced in this paper. The Q(t) method is used for estimation of insulating properties of materials at various temperature under various DC electric field, while the measurement system for it is simple and not so expensive. Furthermore, since the method is applicable to variously shaped insulating materials, it is useful for various electric and electronic devices. Recently, some semiconductor power devices using some newly developed semiconductor like SiC or GaN, which work at high temperature under high electric stress, are developed for actual use driver circuits of electric vehicles and trains. To draw their authentic power at the higher temperature under the higher electric stress, it is necessary to improve the insulating materials to show a good insulating performance under such severe condition. Therefore, estimation of the insulating properties under such condition is also important. The Q(t) method seems to be a suitable technique to estimate them. In this paper, some estimation results on some commercially available power devices are reported to show the effectivity of the method.
Research Article
Pages: 1 - 7Shinobu Ishigami* and Ken Kawamata
DOI: 10.37421/bset.2021.S1.003
A transient electromagnetic field caused by an electrostatic discharge (ESD) is a serious noise source for electric equipment / system especially such as digital equipment. Therefore, it is an important issue in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). In this paper, we introduced the measurement technology of the wideband transient electromagnetic field generated by the ESD phenomenon. By converting the waveform observed by the oscilloscope into the frequency domain using the discrete Fourier transform, removing the characteristics of the measuring apparatus such as the broadband amplifier measured by the S-parameters, and applying the complex antenna factor of the antenna / sensor. These data were converted using the inverse Fourier transform, then the real waveforms of the electromagnetic field were obtained. We also introduced antenna / sensor calibration methods specialized for the far field and the near field, and examples of their characteristics. In particular, the usefulness of a broadband folded long-hexagon antenna for far-field measurement was shown.
Review Article
Pages: 1 - 8Takashi Tsuchida*, Keisuke Izumi, Ken Masamune, Ryosaku Kaji, Takaharu Kawase and Yoshinao Ohkawa
DOI: 10.37421/bset.2021.S1.004
In future medical facilities, it is required to realize safe and high-quality medical treatment by utilizing medical electronic technology and information communication technology including medical robots. For that purpose, it is essential that medical equipment and medical systems operate stably. That is, it is important to construct the electromagnetic environment of the operation space well. Under such recognition, Consortium on Dependable Electromagnetic Environment of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) published “Guidelines for Electromagnetic Environment of Advanced Medical and Welfare Facilities “(AIST18-J100019). In this paper, the electromagnetic environment standard in the operation space is shown, and the countermeasure propose shown in the guideline is introduced, referring to the related preceding study and actual measurement examples.
Review Article
Pages: 1 - 5Norimitsu Ichikawa* and Satoshi Sakaue
DOI: 10.37421/bset.2021.S1.005
An electric shock accident may occur when a part of the human body touches a charged object, while performing electrical maintenance and replacement activities. This accident can cause an electrical injury, which would require rest and absence of more than 4 days from work, or a fatality. The total number of electrical fatalities from 1959-2017 is 7635 in Japan. The number of electrical fatalities in 2015, 2016, and 2017 were 11, 11, and 9, respectively. Hence, it is necessary to find measures to eliminate electrical fatalities to prevent the unnecessary loss of human life. However, it is challenging because most fatalities occur in construction and manufacturing units. In this study, we evaluated the electrical fatalities between 2015 and 2017. These results will aid in establishing preventive measures for electrical fatalities in the future.
Research Article
Pages: 1 - 8Jaroslav Kristof*, Marius Blajan, Ryo Yokoyama, Fariha Mustafa, Ahmad Guji Yahaya and Kazuo Shimizu
DOI: 10.37421/bset.2021.S1.006
Medication brings negative effects regarding the method of the drug administration, such as risk of infections and metabolism of drugs. Transdermal drug delivery can avoid these problems. Microplasma discharge treatment was used to overcome the skin barrier. TEM observation of the untreated and microplasma treated skin confirmed the effect of microplasma on lipid lamellae. Franz diffusion cell was used to investigate permeation of Adenosine through Yucatan micropig skin. The amount of the penetrated drug and the drug retained inside the skin was measured by HPLC. We compared Adenosine permeation through the untreated skin, iontophoreticaly pre-treated skin with FeSO4â??7H2O, iontophoreticaly pre-treated skin with FeSO4â??7H2O followed by microplasma treatment, and DMSO treated skin. Iontophoretic pre-treatment with FeSO4â??7H2O before microplasma treatment was used with idea to enhance a lipid oxidation inside the skin. Microplasma treatment was the most effective in permeation of Adenosine. On the other hand, DMSO treatment and iontophoreticaly pre-treated skin followed by microplasma treatment retained the most and the similar amount of the drug inside the skin.
Research Article
Pages: 1 - 6Hironobu Yonemori* and Natsumi Tsuguta
DOI: 10.37421/bset.2021.S1.007
In this paper, we discuss the acoustic noise generated while driving an IH cooker with a power supply that includes high-frequency noise. This is because the acoustic noise generated from the IH cooker is of the order of kHz, which causes health issues amongst the users, e.g., headache, nausea, dizziness, and discomfort. In this study, we clarify the data that contribute to the formulation of the guidelines on acoustic noise specifically in IH cookers. We conducted an acoustic noise measurement focusing on the amplitude and frequency components of the noise contained in the power supply. The measurement results were compared with the environmental standards announced by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan. As a result, we clarified the conditions for generating acoustic noise that exceeds environmental standards.
Review Article
Pages: 1 - 4DOI:
DOI: 10.37421/bset.2021.S1.008
This paper describes on the recent trends of network structure of BEMS (Building and Energy Management System) and measures of BEMS against the risks of cyberattacks. The network of BEMS consists of three networks, such as internet, main network and field networks which are work together to cooperate with each other. By having the linkage to internet, BEMS becomes to have the risks from cyber-attacks. This paper describes how to reduce the risks of cyber-attacks to BEMS.
This paper explains the network configuration of BEMS and the devices subject to cyber risk, and the contents of cyber-attacks on these devices and the basics of countermeasures (cyber security). The following three requirements as the basis of security control as a cyber-security measure of BEMS are described.
1. Connect only to trusted parties.
2. Connect only to reliable devices / devices.
3. Implementation of anti-virus measures.
The detail of specific contents of implementing these three requirements in BEMS are also explained. Cyber risk countermeasures are an indispensable technology in the digital society of the future, and effective and highly effective economic cyber risk is desired.