Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases |

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Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases

Mini Review

Pages: 1 - 3

Myocardial Torsion and Cardiac Fulcrum

Jorge Carlos Trainini*, Beraudo Mario, Wernicke Mario, Trainini Alejandro, Lowenstein Jorge and Bastarrica María Elena


DOI: 10.37421/2684-4265.21.s1.001

The function of the heart corresponds to a mechanical dimension that should be addressed in terms of its structure, which is where we find the origin of the idea that led our research to explain its organic-functional integrity. The real internal myocardial anatomy, and contrary to the classical concept, dissection finds a structure with defined planes that allows successive and concatenated physiological motions of narrowing, shortening-twisting, lengthening-untwisting and expansion. Faced with this mechanics, myocardial torsion represents the functional solution to eject the ventricular blood content with the necessary energy to supply the whole organism. The inevitable emerging question is that in order for the muscular bands surrounding the ventricles to twist they should have a supporting point, similarly to a muscle in a rigid insertion.


Pages: 1 - 4

The Micro-Anatomical Features of the Lymphoid Structures of the Urinary Bladder

Huseynova Gulgiz Agahasan* and Nasirova Zarifa Djahangir


DOI: 10.37421/2684-4265.21.s1.002

The lymphoid structures of human urinary bladder are investigated by a macro-microscopy with Helmans and histology methods by staining with HxE, at the age from the period newborn to senile age of the postnatal ontogenesis. The lymphoid structures of the urinary bladder are characterized by age, regionally, individuality peculiarities. Lymphoid structures as much as possible develop at early child’s age. After those periods a morphological regress of a lymphoid tissue and involution of lymphoid structures are noted. After this, individually features characterize lymphoid structures of the human urinary bladder. Their broad individual variability at mature, elderly and senile ages is established. At all stages of a postnatal ontogenesis the quantity of lymphoid structures in the lover part of a urinary bladder are more than in upper and the middle parts. The quantity and morphometric indexes of lymphoid structures in a sphincter more those near a sphincter.


Pages: 1 - 1

Histology of Chronic Hepatitis

Yuichiro Kaito*


DOI: 10.37421/2684-4265.21.s1.e001

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Pages: 1 - 1

Pathophysiology of Liver

Xia Park*


DOI: 10.37421/2684-4265.21.s1.e003

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