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Global Bank


Pages: 1 - 7

Oil Price and Brazilian Economic Indicators

Regina Meyer Branski*

The oil price variations affect the economy of all countries. In 2006, Brazil discovered important oil reserves in the so-called pre-salt and became an important producer. Consequently, it became more affected by fluctuations in the price of this commodity. The impact of changes in oil price on a country's economy can be assessed by looking at its relationship with the economic indicators. The objective of the study was to identify patterns and relationships between the oil price and the following Brazilian economic indicators: Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Trade Balance, Inflation, Tax Collection, and Unemployment Rate. After collecting quarterly data for the last 20 years, between 2000 and 2019, it was applied the statistical tests of Cross-Correlation, Granger Causality, and Cointegration. The cross-correlation test showed that increases in the oil price are moderately associated with increases in GDP and Tax Collection. Oil prices and Inflation showed a weak negative correlation, not showing association. The correlation between oil prices and unemployment was negative moderate, indicating that the increases in oil prices are associated with the fall in employment. Finally, the correlation between oil prices and the Trade Balance varied from negative to positive. Evidence of Granger’s causality was found only between the oil price series causing GDP. And it was not found cointegration in any series, which indicates non-existent long-term relationships. The identification of patterns and relationships between oil prices and economic indicators contributes to the adoption of


Pages: 1 - 2

Foam Glass Market is growing at CAGR 15.5% by 2026

John Rohan*

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Pages: 1 - 5

Influence of Customer Experience on Customer Loyalty in Apparel B2C E-commerce

Wei Yin and Bugao Xu*

Customer loyalty is one of the keys to establishing a sustainable business in apparel B2C e-commerce, and it is influenced tremendously by customer’s online shopping experience. In this paper, we conducted a survey on customer experience, alternative attractiveness, and customer loyalty, and created a model to analyze the associations among these attributes. Customer experience was measured from five dimensions: website, product, service, brand and emotion. In the analytical model, the dimensions of customer experience were taken as independent variables, customer loyalty as a dependent variable, and alternative attractiveness as a moderating variable. Correlation and regression analyses were performed to assess the impacts of customer experience and alternative attractiveness on customer loyalty. Based on the survey data of 250 validated questionnaires, it was found that customer loyalty is significantly correlated with all the five dimensions of customer experience and with alternative attractiveness. Among the five dimensions of customer experience, service, emotion, and product experiences have slightly higher correlations than website and brand experiences. Alternative attractiveness has a small negative correlation with on customer loyalty.


Pages: 1 - 1

Economic Role in Health Sector

Adel Pinda*

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Short Communication

Pages: 1 - 2

How the Market Dividend Payouts External Governance and Mechanisms Control the Family Firms

Chia-Chen Teng*

This study examines how three external governance mechanisms interact with the internal family-governance system to influence dividend payout decisions. The findings indicate that family businesses deliver fewer dividends when the market prefers dividends. Contrarily, family firms release more dividends under greater monitoring from institutional investors and debt holders. The study expands various theories and generates policy implications.

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