Recent Trends in Genetics |

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Recent Trends in Genetics

Open Access

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Genetics of Skin Cancer Diagnostics and Treatment

Asad Ullah M

Diseases evolve side by side with human evolution and play significant role in health. Along with the societal and technological development, mankind also faces great challenges in health sector. One of these challenges is the changes in disease manifestation, its cure and obviously its effect on living organisms especially humans, which has worsen as time progresses. Some of the diseases are easily treatable now while other still poses complications. Skin cancer is one of the most common and widespread cancers despite technological and medicinal advancements and demands persistent attention. It is categorized into different types according to its location of origination and usually these cancers do not spread to other body parts. Various environmental and genetic factors contribute in its occurrence, development and metastasis. People with blonde skin tone are at supreme risk to be affected by melanoma. Considering the importance of this disease, the current review concentrates on the various types of skin tumors, its manifestations, the causes behind disease development and treatment. Genetical mutations in somatic cells or at fetus level play major role in its establishment

Furthermore, environmental factors also affect the normal cellular pathways by bringing about the alterations at gene level. Prudent analysis of the genetics may lead to better understanding of the key genes involved in its establishment and thus, the pertinent knowledge can be utilized in designing painless and accurate diagnostic approaches and advanced targeted therapies.

Open Access

Pages: 1 - 1

Pathologic Correlations of Molecular Genetics in Neurotology

Hartling Moze

Neurotology or neuro-otology could be a subspecialty of otolaryngology—head and neck surgery, moreover known as ENT (ear, nose, and throat) medicine . Neuro-otology is closely related to otology, clinical neurology and neurosurgery Peter M Gresshoff is a Professor of Botany at The University of Queensland and Director of the Australian Research Council’s (ARC) .This Neurogenetics thinks about the part of hereditary qualities within the advancement and work of the anxious framework. It considers neural characteristics as phenotypes (i.e. appearances, quantifiable or not, of the hereditary make-up of an person), and is primarily based on the perception that the anxious frameworks of people, indeed of those having a place to the same species, may not be indistinguishable. As the title suggests, it draws perspectives from both the considers of neuroscience and hereditary qualities, centering in specific how the hereditary code an life form carries influences its communicated characteristics. Transformations in this hereditary grouping can have a wide run of impacts on the quality of life of the person. Neurological illnesses, behavior and personality are all considered within the setting of neurogenetics Atomic neuroscience may be a department of neuroscience that watches concepts in atomic science connected to the apprehensive frameworks of creatures. The scope of this subject covers subjects such as molecular neuroanatomy, components of atomic signaling within the apprehensive framework, the impacts of hereditary qualities and epigenetics on neuronal improvement, and the atomic premise for neuroplasticity and neurodegenerative diseases labeling strategies.

As with molecular science, atomic neuroscience could be a moderately unused field that's significantly energetic. In molecular biology, communication between neurons regularly happens by chemical transmission over crevices between the cells called neural connections.








Open Access

Pages: 1 - 1

Epigenetics - Role as Biomarker in Cancer Diagnosis

Manasa P

Epigenetics alludes to change in the gene expression levels without bringing any alteration in DNA sequence. DNA methylation and Histone modificationsare considered as significant epigenetic mechanisms that confer the heritable changes in cellular phenotype . These play a vital role in DNA based processes like Replication, Transcription and DNArepair.Consequently, genomic alterations or abnormal expression in chromatic regulators can have profound effect leading to induction of Cancer Hypermethylation of CpG islands located in Promoter regions of tumor suppressor genes is considered to be important mechanism for gene inactivation. Hypomethylation refers to the reduced levels of global DNA methylation which promotes the different types of malignancies leading to cancer Histone acetylation involves the regulation of chromatin structure leading to the increased or decreased levels of gene transcription. HAT and HDAC are the enzymes involved in the addition and removal of acetyl groups from lysine residues on the histone N-terminal tails. Histone methylation is carried out by conserved proteins known as HMTs which facilitates the addition of methyl groups to the amino terminals of histone proteins and is related to different biological processes ranging from transcriptional regulation to epigenetic silencing,DNA methylation is linked with many key processes like telomeres, centromeres, X-chromosome inactivation, and suppression of repetitive elements, genomic imprinting and carcinogenesis. There are two types of abnormal DNA methylation associated with human malignancies. Global hypomethylation is often associated with chromosomal instability and loss of imprinting whereas hypermethylation occurs at CpG islands located in Promoter regions and often associated with inactivation of tumor suppressor genes




Open Access

Pages: 1 - 1

Microbial Genetics and Molecular Microbiology

Narveen Jandu

Influenza infections can results in seasonal outbreaks and epidemics in the USA. The 2014-2015 influenza outbreak was attributed to the H3N2 influenza A strain. This outbreak was partly attributed to the mismatch between the causative H3N2 influenza A strain and the annual influenza vaccine. The aim of this study was to determine if the mismatch between the causative influenza strain and the vaccine impacted vaccine rates or other protective health behaviour???s amongst college students. In this study, an online survey was used to determine the rate the influenza vaccination rates and any changes in student hygienic behaviours during the 2014- 2015 influenza season amongst college students. Survey responses were collected from Jan. 15, 2015 to Feb. 15, 2015, and elicited 265 responses from undergraduate students. The total vaccine rate among respondents was 23%, but compared to the previous year (2013-2014) the overall vaccination rate among respondents decreased by 10%. Regardless of vaccination, 53% of total respondents reported a slight change or more in the protective health behaviour of hand-washingMolecular Genetics in 1988.

In his 40 year career in plant science, he has developed deep interests in plant development and its genetic The influenza vaccination rate amongst college students is within the range of the national CDC vaccination rate of 31% for this age group. The decrease in vaccination rates from 2013-2014 to 2014-2015 was consistent with the mismatch between the influenza strain and vaccine targets. Beyond vaccination, protection against influenza also involves enhanced personal and hand-hygiene behaviours. Such behaviours are very important on a college campus due to close living conditions




Open Access

Pages: 1 - 1

Plant Genomics

Peter M Gresshoff


Legume plants, like peas, beans, medics and soybeans, have the ability to interact with prokaryotes like Bradyrhizobium and Rhizobium to develop novel root organs called 'nodules'. These house the inducing bacterium to develop a nitrogenfixing symbiosis that benefits the plant, the bacterial population and resultant agronomy/economy/environment. Genetics and coupled genomic approaches have opened our understanding of the underlying processes related to the nodule ontogeny. Recent advances have clarified further the molecular mechanisms of control of the basic steps of ontogeny. Thus the molecular signals initiating 'Autoregulation of Nodulation (AON)', the critical receptor kinase in the leaf tissue (GmNARK in soybean) and the subsequent signaling cascades of shoot-derived inhibition have been revealed. Plant peptides, LRR receptor kinase, microRNA, cytokinin hormone and transcriptional factors are directly involvedas well as to ensure well visualized of comets Amazingly the revealed mechanisms appear to be common among all legumes, suggesting possibilities to improve the nitrogen-fixing potential of many crop legumes through lateral transfer of information and technology.

Peter M Gresshoff is a Professor of Botany at The University of Queensland and Director of the Australian Research Council’s (ARC) Centre of Excellence in Integrative Legume Research. He has received his PhD in Genetics from ANU, Canberra in 1974 and DSc in Molecular Genetics in 1988.






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