Role of Cultures in the World |

Open Access

Role of Cultures in the World

Research Article

Pages: 1 - 7

Socio-Economic Implications of COVID-19 Infections for the USA and India

Saagar S Kulkarni*, Rohan S Kulkarni and Kathryn E Lorenz


DOI: 10.37421/2151-6200.2021.s3.001

As of August 2021 with over 1.6 M combined deaths, USA, India, and Brazil had the highest number of COVID-19 infections. This paper examines the populations of the USA and India, with a combined 70 M infections and counting, to provide a comprehensive overview and explore the social implications of COVID-19. For the US, our multivariable regression model was statistically significant between COVID-19 deaths and age/race/residence-states. The trends in age and residence states were significant while the trend for gender was not. However, individual’s age and residence state played a significant role in determining life or death? Socio-economic analysis confirmed the Qualitative socio-economic Logic based Cascade Hypotheses (QLCH) of education/occupation/income affecting race/ethnicity differently. For a given race/ethnicity, education drives occupation then income, where people lives, and in turn his/her access to healthcare coverage. Considering the QLCH framework, different races are poised for differing effects of COVID-19; specifically, Asians/Whites are in a stronger position to combat COVID-19 compared to Hispanics/Blacks. For India, the residence-states were found to be statistically significant in a regression of nationality/residence states/and counts for total cases/deaths/and cured. A logistics regression model analyzing age/gender/nationality/and residence states was also statistically significant. Both sexes were affected equally by the virus while age/residence states played important roles in life/death. Higher urban populated states with higher GDP creation had the highest virus related deaths, explaining the forced avoidance of social distancing effect.

Mini Review Article

Pages: 1 - 3

On Culture for Sustainable Development: A Case for the Transdisciplinary Approach

Kevin Macarius Florentin*


DOI: 10.37421/2151-6200.2021.s3.003

Culture is an indispensable, but often taken for granted aspect of humanity’s existence. Broadly speaking, looking closer into cultural aspects of sustainability may provide lessons and methods useful for the pursuit of sustainability of urban areas today. This paper aims to provide a brief review of literature and a commentary to inspire this argument. First, I will discuss what transdisciplinarity means for sustainability. Then, I will provide an example of how it enabled a platform for disaster risk and cultural heritage management to address a common sustainability issue. To conclude, I share insights on how the cultural sector can contribute to sustainable development.

Short Communication

Pages: 1 - 2

Comments for 20 Years of Asia Europe Relations

Hasret Balcioglu*


DOI: 10.37421/2151-6200.2021.s3.004

While this book celebrates the 20th Anniversary of the Asia-Europe Meeting (Asem), it also covers a political dialogue process that brings together governments and civil society members from Asia and Europe. Relevant book chapters are contributed by Asian and European leaders, including heads of state and ministers from Asia and Europe. This provides a detailed explanation of how valuable the economic, political and socio-cultural relations of the relevant process are with the managerial perspectives and contributions.

Research Article

Pages: 1 - 5

An Investigation of Social Media Strategies and Authenticity as they Relate to Engagement Rate Increase

Luis Almeida*


DOI: 10.37421/2151-6200.2021.s3.005

Media professionals have been using social media to measure the success its strategic plans, enhance professional networks, and advance understanding of the medium for account growth. However, a measurable strategy of social media that work across all platforms and bypasses the changes in the social media algorithm has been limited. This article introduced important social media best practices and results of its effectiveness in social media account growth. Finally, it ends with important recommendations for further studies that the researcher argues are the next steps for the advancement of studies of social media.

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