The branch of medical practice that treats injuries, diseases, and deformities by the physical removal, repair, or readjustment of organs and tissues, often involving cutting into the body. In the field of surgery includes Laproscopic Surgery, Gallbladder Surgery, Arthroscopic Surgery, Scoliosis Surgery, Sinus Surgery, Oral Surgery, Gynecomastia Surgery, Orthognathic Surgery, Thyroid Surgery, Pacemaker Surgery, Appendix Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Ankle Surgery, Hip Surgery, Neck Surgery, Varicose Surgery, Implants Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, etc.
There are four major categories of surgery: (1) wound treatment, (2) extirpative surgery, (3) reconstructive surgery, and (4) transplantation surgery. The technical aspects of wound surgery, already partly discussed, center on procuring good healing and the avoidance of infection
As with any surgery there are both risks and benefits to having weight loss surgery. Obesity is a chronic health problem that can lead to other major health issues including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes to name a few. Often, the benefits outweigh the risks, but you must consider both sides before you decide to have the surgery
Benefits to having surgery:Detailed investigations or discussion, scientific works are write-ups related to scope of special issue entitled Trends & Advancements in Surgery are welcomed at editorial office of the Journal of Universal Surgery.
The Journal will be overwhelmed to have your opinion or detailed discussions or research scripts in the form of submissions related to but not restricted alone to the above mentioned topics at
This special issue has been scheduled to release tentatively by the June, 2022.