N Chandra Wickramasinghe, , PH.D Director, Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology University of Buckingham, UK
Angus Dalgleish,
Professor of Oncology, Institute of Infection and Immunity
St George's, University of London, UK
Virology a branch of science focuses on conventional fields of virology such as classification, structure infection and treatment and advanced scientific areas such as viral genHilaris SRL, computational approaches in viral disease diagnosis etc. Over the past, the world witnessed major burdens like HIV, HPV and presently these organisms challenge the researchers with latest outbreaks like EBOLA and Zika virus. This indicates the world of virologists should be updated every day.
Virology: Current Research is an open access peer reviewed journal initiated by Hilaris SRL aims to provide cutting-edge research findings in the field of virology. The journal offers broad coverage to the researchers those who are interested in virology and related fields. Virology: Current Research an avenue and provide a forum for the clinicians, virologists, and medical specialists, where innovative and intellectual discussions offer new age scientific developments in the field of Virology.
Virology: Current Research publishes peer reviewed content related virology, but not limited to viral genetics, GenHilaris SRL, Computational Virology, Molecular Virology, Vaccine development, emerging diseases, infectious diseases, Immunology, Clinical Virology, Animal and plant viruses, Viral diseases and diagnosis, Laboratory medicine, etc. Journal editor invites original reports, expert opinions, reviews, communications and editorials for publication in the journal.
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Articles published in Virology: Current Research have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Virology: Current Research has got h-index 6 , which means every article in Virology: Current Research has got 6 average citations.
Nwankwo Nonyelum Stella* and Neda Shaghaghi
Short Communication
Virology: Current Research received 187 citations as per Google Scholar report